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17 answers

errrrr If the blood is actually in your stool then you need to see a G.P. That could be serious.
If it's just on the paper you probably have anal fissures or Farmer Giles {Piles}.
By the way dont immediately think it's Cancer...it could be 20 other things ...I.B.S. Colitis..... all sorts.

2006-06-06 23:40:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK, gonna get graphic here so look away now if youre squeamish! If its IN your poo, then you have a problem and must see your doc. If you notice it when you wipe, you could have had piles and ones ruptured or some sort of cut to your, um, hole. However as always, with medical questions, best go to your doc. Theyve seen it all before!

2006-06-06 23:45:52 · answer #2 · answered by Secret Squirrel 6 · 0 0

It is best to check with bthe doctor as could be constipation, heamorroids, and this are treatable. Could also be a sign of a more serious health concern, such cancer, but do not alarm as cancers can be treated and exterminated some times now with extremely good success cure. Go to see a doctor with your mind calm as in a lot of the cases, it is just external bleeding.

2006-06-07 00:11:06 · answer #3 · answered by maria p 3 · 0 0

If there is blood in your poo it would be advisable to visit your GP and get it checked out to make sure it's nothing serious.

2006-06-06 23:39:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dont worry yes you need to see your doctor asap but more than likely you have piles or a fissure (a tear in your anus) or you could have strained too hard when you went.
It is very unlikely it's bowel cancer but still get it checked out.

2006-06-06 23:44:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is the blood bright red, small streaks? Is it painful to wipe your bum? Then its most likely hemorrhoids. If the stools are discoloured with dark blood then it may be originating higher up in your bowels. Either way see a doctor.

2006-06-06 23:55:01 · answer #6 · answered by migelito 5 · 0 0

it means you need to see a doc. A haemmorroid = the end of the bowel( typical and normal) has come out. or = you've been using something strange up there and have pierced the lining of the bowel to make it bleed. or you can have an ulcer. its not all sinisiter, or life threating, can be normal. you need to see a doc.

2006-06-06 23:42:26 · answer #7 · answered by femkim62 1 · 0 0

Yes better get a through check up done by some doctor .

He will check everything & then will come to a conclusion .

2006-06-06 23:40:13 · answer #8 · answered by xyz 2 · 0 0

constipation and you need body regulating foods, like some fruits(except banana and apple, they make your stool even more difficult to eliminate) and green leafy vegetables (fibers) then drink lots of water. If it persist, go see a doctor.

2006-06-06 23:43:54 · answer #9 · answered by lic2kill 3 · 0 0

See doctor if it occurs allways

2006-06-13 21:48:02 · answer #10 · answered by leowin1948 7 · 0 0