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why does divorce rate increasing?? why can't people enjoy their marriage life?

2006-06-06 22:58:25 · 17 answers · asked by unfortunate gal 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

17 answers

People, mainly guys,(I'm one)seem to always want what they don't have at that time. Its stupid. I agree with you. If a person gets married thay should give it every effort to make it work.

2006-06-06 23:01:51 · answer #1 · answered by Dossier420365@yahoo.com 2 · 1 1

I think the reason so many marriages fail these days is because people are getting married for the wrong reasons. As for my husband and me, we simply rushed into a relationship thinking it was "time to settle down". After two years of marriage we realized that we really didn't have much in common and that our relationship had been mostly physical.

Another reason would be that it is becoming more socially acceptable to get a divorce. That means when things do go bad, we are less inclined to "grin & bear it" and more inclined to cut our loses.

Too many times we know all about the "bad" aspects of our partner, but we enter into a marriage believing that our love can change them. People very seldom change. We need to focus less on finding a person we can live with and more on finding a person we cannot live without.

My husband and I do not regret our marriage, or our divorce. For both of us, it was the right thing at that point in our lives. We have both learned a lot from our marriage and we are both better off since our separation.

As for divorce when children are involved, I have seen first hand relationships that stayed together for the sake of the children. It is not always better. Children know when their parents are unhappy and as they grow up they see more and more of the negative in the relationship. It is much better, in my oppinion, to separate and remain friends, than it is to remain married and be in constant unhappiness.

2006-06-07 06:46:46 · answer #2 · answered by Ell 4 · 0 0

Very cynical answer there! Probably because divorce is more common it is inceasing. That is to say that so many people do it now, it is the norm almost, so rather than try and work on problems, married couples just opt for the option of giving up, like so many others.

Of course in some cases some people just can't get along, so it is the only option, but I think in a lot of cases, if a bit of work were put into it, many couples could learn to be happy together again.

This sort of raises the question, that is, if marriage is so cheap for people, why bother in the first place?

2006-06-07 06:07:32 · answer #3 · answered by HP 5 · 1 0

Because people are selfish and not selfless that is the main reason why. Very sad indeed! People should instead enjoy their marriage life and enjoy each other and love no matter what comes or goes. Love is a choice not just a feeling and i want to thank you for this question.... I love it! Divorce should not even ever be in a marriage dictionary or an option!

2006-06-07 08:42:46 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Hewitt 6 · 0 1

Because people see divorce rate and figure that marriage isn't too big a deal. Hey, if it doesn't work out, I can just get a divorce! What people seem to forget is the part of their vows when they say "till death do us part". If they are religious, they need to remember that in the eyes of God, the first person you marry will always be your spouse. Therefore, if you divorce and marry again, in God's eyes, you are committing adultery every time you are intimate. People don't respect marriage anymore and it's very sad.

2006-06-07 07:43:06 · answer #5 · answered by proud_usmc_wife04 4 · 1 0

Why....thats simple, its society. Most of us are so spoiled, want the best of everything. When we get married we expect to be put first, to live in that fairy tale love story, and when that doesn't happen it starts fighting and cheating and divorce.
In todays society everyone wants to be first, have the best, and most do anything to get it. If you want you marriage to work you must put your partner first not yourself, however because everyone is in a race to be first, putting your partner first can also be a bad move if they don't also think like you, if they must also be first your in for being used and treated terrible. You know i could probably write a book on this!!!
Other reasons, because people want the best, and want to be first, they all rush....rush into marriage, rush having children, and rush their lives away. Not leaving time for important things like love. Worrying more about looks than a persons personality, and when the looks and sex go away (and they will)!!! There is nothing left to hold a marriage together.

2006-06-07 06:27:30 · answer #6 · answered by StephNLee2000 3 · 1 0

Because two days marriage's is not like the olden day's marriage's. My parent's been married for 28 years and to me that is a longtime. I see how happy they are with eachother and i love there relationship that they have. I wish everyone who got married was like them. But now day's they are just too much people trying to do whatever;s in this world them making there marriage there number one priority. And that's where divorce comes along. And it's sad to see that happen to anyone. Now day's divorce looks like the in style now if you really look at it!

2006-06-07 06:10:49 · answer #7 · answered by *QeEn-BeE* 2 · 1 0

Why? Because its a "fast food World".
Have it "your way" kind of deal...

If you dont like it, pass on it and find something better...

People arent really "mature" when they marry and at the first sign of Marital strife are ready to bail...

Its a shame, a lot of good marriages fail because people dont have a good enough foundation with the LORD, in thier lives, so, they take the secular view and change when it suites them.

I wish you well..


2006-06-07 06:02:58 · answer #8 · answered by x 7 · 0 0

divorce rate is increasing bcs people are allowed to say the truth, they do not have to live with the problem and mostly they don't have to keep it a secret. so for example if a husband is hitting his wife, she can tell, and leave him. or if the wife is "finding someone ells" the husband can leave her...

2006-06-07 06:09:30 · answer #9 · answered by ♥sweetie♥ 5 · 0 0

Because times are changing, infedility is out of control. People can't control their hormones nowadays and they get married thinking they can stay committed to the same person but that NEVER happens. People always stray. Humans aren't hardwired to stay sexually attracted to the same person for their WHOLE life!!

2006-06-07 06:01:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some marriages suck. Why spend ur life being miserable just because you signed a piece of paper?

2006-06-07 06:06:39 · answer #11 · answered by smurfette_au2000 5 · 0 0