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2006-06-06 22:41:33 · 2 answers · asked by autonabishtem 1 in Social Science Economics

2 answers

Gain? The trust of the world, even though kyoto is a very small step. Respect, Admiration...A greener world for our kids?
Lose? Pff, money i suppose..but whats money when it comes to the world

2006-06-06 22:56:47 · answer #1 · answered by thomas p 5 · 0 0

gain nothing - its an international ploy to reditribute our wealth - want to use your diesel tractor to feed the world ? well then pay somalia a couple of million $$ to use their emmision credits - want to raise a herd of cows - give Angola $2 mil to use their credits to cover the methane they produce - prepare to reduce your standard of living to match the other 3rd world countries and prepare yourselves to continue to export charity and foreign aid to them so they can eat and make more babies.

2006-06-13 03:37:44 · answer #2 · answered by Norman 7 · 0 0