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I have been involved in theater since I was fourteen. However, when I got to college, I found myself questioning my choice of career. I feel trapped: I don't want to give up theater because I am hoping that there may be something I can still enjoy; though I am interested in other subjects besides theater (sociology, psychology, etc). I feel pressure to be interested in theater and nothing else, and it is quite frustrating, making me want to withdraw and go elsewhere. Frankly I have no confidence in what I am pursuing. Any advice?

2006-06-06 22:33:43 · 8 answers · asked by Marianna 1 in Arts & Humanities Theater & Acting

8 answers

I'll answer this by paraphrasing one of my favorite writers when someone asked him why anyone else should be a writer. he said, "Be a plumber, the world needs more plumbers. Be a psychiatrist. Be anything you want to be but don't be a writer. Unless you have to be a writer. Unless you cannot be happy NOT being a writer!"

NOW, in your case, lets translate that into Acting. Are you planning to be an actor? From your question, it sounds like you have all kinds of other interests. The chance of you making it as an actor (just enough to live on, not enough to be famous, mind you) is around one half of one percent. The famous thing is akin to winning the lottery statistics, so if you are looking for a more fulfilling life, I would start to focus on other areas where you have a passion and seeing if you can contribute to the world in that way.

Also, there is the problem that actors, in general, tend to be very self centered and narcisistic. I know that sounds rude, but I was one so I can say that. I also had the opportunity to live in LA for a number of years. I was not trying to be an actor but I swam in those waters so I knew many. I was friends with a working director who gave me the best advice for actors. He said, "Jim, in LA, you have to realize no one cares if you are the most talented thing to come out of Julliard. They EXPECT you have talent coming out both ears or you wouldn't be here. If you get on a show and they find out you DON'T have talent, they'll be so pissed. Why? Because if you are here, you are the most talented thing you know and they expect that - it is assumed. Hollywood is who you know and good timing. Thats it. You are here THEREFORE you are uber-super-mega talented or beautiful or whatever. So put that aside and network and pray, because that's what will make you a working actor. Friends and lucky breaks."

I hope that helped a little. Acting is a beautiful craft and in college it is very fulfilling. Perhaps you can have a job that allows you to perform in community theatre or indy films, but you have to decide if you want to BE an actor or not. If not, your degree should reflect your long term goals in life. It is a viable choice for many things, but while you still have the chance, i.e., college, I would start looking at the other things you are interested in and maybe you can find the thing that truly is your calling!

Good luck.

2006-06-09 07:31:08 · answer #1 · answered by jimanywhere 2 · 1 1

The most valuable undergraduate degree you can get is a liberal arts degree. An actor must have a wide range of knowledge...history, literature, music, and many other fields inform the performing arts. A degree program that focuses only on theatre will, in the long run, do you a disservice.

Having said that, a Bachelor's degree in just about anything else has little worth in terms of bagging a professional job these days. To actually work in psychology or as a social worker, or even in the middle ranks of business, you need a Master's degree at least.

So....get a BA (not a BFA) in theatre arts, if you like ...and then if you want to go further in another field, go on to grad school in your chosen profession. The wider distribution requirements in a BA will give you good grounding in many areas useful to you as an actor, and expose you to potential other fields.

I speak from experience...I got my BA in theatre, went back to grad school ten years later for a master's in Public Administration, and am now working professionally in both fields.

how about a double major?

2006-06-08 05:37:03 · answer #2 · answered by Cranach 2 · 0 0

I have an idea about what your feeling. I've also been doing theatre since I was young, and I really do love it, it just seems sometimes that everyone into theatre is ALL about theatre and don't have any other interests. Anyways, what I did was go in for a 2 year program to get a diploma in theatre, because I know that's what I love to do, and when I'm done, I'll go through more school expereincing as much as I can about the other things I'm interested in. We shouldn't feel trapped in one career choice before we've had a proper chance to explore it, so don't stress about it, if you end up not wanting to do it anymore, theres always another choice!

2006-06-08 11:31:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why don't you major in theater and psychology that way you can do both theater and socail work and both will balnce out one another. But, you might be facing a burn out with theater. If, it helps take a break from it for awhile and seek the other major and go from there. If, feel yourself wanting to go back you always can.

2006-06-06 22:38:00 · answer #4 · answered by justbetweenus_us 4 · 0 0

Theatre majors go on to many other things. Certainly a theatre BA prepares you for graduate studies in theatre and eventually teaching. I have a sister who is a US attorney after getting her BA in theatre. Personally I found that I learned about life and a many different disciplines when getting my degrees in Theatre. You may want to consider a double major.

2006-06-07 04:44:34 · answer #5 · answered by DramaGuy 7 · 0 0

Only if you want to act in New York and be taken seriously by agents and casting directors. They look very strongly at actors with a BFA.

If you are unsure about your career, you can teach and/or coach actors. Don't feel pressured. You can do whatever suits you - find whatever it is that you are passionate about.

2006-06-07 17:46:56 · answer #6 · answered by newyorkgal71 7 · 0 0

No, via fact in case you get your eyebrows performed as quickly as you will might desire to maintain getting them performed for something of your existence. As for nails, no one's gonna incredibly care so which you would be extra beneficial off doing all your individual nails

2016-10-15 09:31:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes its your life and you must live it the way you want to in order to be able to enjoy it. never cave to pressure of others when it comes to your own life. be the captain of your own ship my friend!

2006-06-06 22:38:01 · answer #8 · answered by zeus_daughter2 5 · 0 0