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Any need any jobs

2006-06-06 22:02:55 · 7 answers · asked by chris g 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

7 answers

Depending on the state in which you live, you may need a work permit to work at the age of 15. Once you have a work permit, you should be able to work anywhere in which you're qualified. Try applying at local grocery stores for a "bagger" position or as a "stocker." They also may hire people on an "as needed" basis to help unload merchandise from the trucks.

Saturdays at a car wash are pretty busy - they may be looking for additional help to get through the busy times. You can also talk to some lawn and landscape businesses -- Saturdays are pretty busy for them, too.

Good luck!

2006-06-07 04:11:18 · answer #1 · answered by southernserendipiti 6 · 4 2

Go to your local high street and just take a look in the shop windows - many shops will advertise for part-time/Saturday staff by placing an ad in the window. When you see one you fancy, just pop in and ask for an application form, or ask to speak to someone about the job. This is especially good if you want to work in retail, or in somewhere like Starbucks or McDonalds. If in doubt, you could always pop into your favourite shop/store (dressed smartly and looking eager and bright!) and ask whether they are taking on any more staff at the moment.

Otherwise, yes, go to your local newsagents, although paper-rounds don't pay that much!

Buy your local newspaper and look in the job classifieds section, and don't be afraid to phone them up and ask questions.

Good luck!

2006-06-07 05:19:09 · answer #2 · answered by Maureen 4 · 0 0

i think you should go to your local shop ask if the need a paper boy /girl if they do why not go for it you never know in the long run you might actually like it and when your sixteen go look for a job in a busy store such as new look or a supermarket like asda not many companys take on 15 year olds for insurance purposes good luck with the job hunting

2006-06-07 05:34:39 · answer #3 · answered by janice m 1 · 0 0

When I needed a job like this I simple dressed smartly and went to each shop in turn and politely asked the manager in every shop until one said yes. It took about two weeks. You mustn't get totally fed up with being turned turned down, you will be successful eventually.

2006-06-07 05:09:18 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Fast food places are usually most friendly to people looking for a part time job. Newspaper delivery and your own lawn cutting service are also good choices.

2006-06-07 05:08:50 · answer #5 · answered by beckini 6 · 0 0

Go to your local News Agent.

2006-06-07 05:12:45 · answer #6 · answered by thecharleslloyd 7 · 0 0

hey it is very simple, join an office. go to work only on saturdays. get the pay for only what you work......hey sory, i m in chennai, try ur luck in hotels, the best one can do

2006-06-07 05:10:28 · answer #7 · answered by Hari Prasad 1 · 0 0