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I left my last job as they made me a scapgoat the same as my previos ten employers. I am hardworking and have an ecelent educashun. I would stand on my head to please an employer.
Yours R. Supward

2006-06-06 22:02:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

4 answers

Tell the truth. That you just want the money

2006-06-07 01:37:20 · answer #1 · answered by bwadsp 5 · 2 0

maximum suitable manage this whether it particularly is stated to you. see you later as your resume shows some balance - or extra suitable than a twelve months - at your indexed jobs i've got self belief you would be high quality. putting it to your cover letter could be a destructive for you with the aid of fact it appears that evidently to be an excuse. Being a guy or female who seems and evaluates resumes at my post, as quickly as i glance at a disguise letter and it has what seems to be an excuse I particularly tend to difficulty them in the "do no longer call" pile. without bringing up it and searching over the jobs and length of time at each I especially broach the sphere of durability interior the path of the interview. it is the situation persons have further defined the interest hopper like attractiveness indexed on their resume. I particularly have in my opinion employed a number of the applicants that adventure what your resume sounds like with the aid of professional motives which you have have been given indexed for leaving jobs. One won't be able to fault "life" for occurring, regardless of the explanation.

2016-10-30 08:35:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Just don't use the word 'passionate' - it's far too hackneyed, and hardly anyone is passionate about work, as in: "I am passionate about delivering complete customer solutions that add real value to the end user". Give me a break...

2006-06-06 22:07:57 · answer #3 · answered by D Law 2 · 0 0

Keep your application letters simple and straight-to-the-point. Mention your key skills, what types of work you have experience in, and ways in which you feel you could benefit the company if you were to be successful. Good luck!

2006-06-06 22:14:06 · answer #4 · answered by Robert C 5 · 0 0