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Please only people who know don´t guess.Thanks

2006-06-06 19:50:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

18 answers

I am 25 weeks and I went two days without feeling my baby move only but once or twice and it wasn't even a for sure move. Anyhow I asked my nurse (which you should do) and she said I have a anterior placenta which means the placenta is under my belly button accross the front she said that having that I will go somedays without feeling him. Anyhow talk to your doctor it is always best to keep yourself calm that alone is better for the baby. I also found this web site I thought you might want to read

2006-06-06 21:37:04 · answer #1 · answered by SIMSGIRL 2 · 0 0

Sometimes as a pregnant mommy when you're having an active day you might not notice the baby moving because the baby will sometimes be in motion along with you. What I did when I was concerned was just sat down, put my feet up and relaxed for a while. (Doctors might tell you to try laying on your left side.) After a while of relaxing, I'd start to feel the baby again. If after about an hour or so you are still concerned, give your doctor a call. Even if it's after hours. They are always willing to answer questions even in the middle of the night!

2006-06-06 20:06:18 · answer #2 · answered by deirdrann 1 · 0 0

the baby may have moved but it wasnt so noticable. Tomorrow take some quiet time to lay and focus on your tummy and see if there is movement.
Call the doctors office and ask them if you can come in earlier then your next visit and tell them how long it has been since you noticed movement....
and dont worry the baby may have just been making subtle movements today (and took a break from kicking and punching you!)

2006-06-06 21:50:29 · answer #3 · answered by geet840 5 · 0 0

I know when i was pregnant my baby was moving all the time. This was usually due to the neighbours complaining about all the wild partys he had. And each time he moved he held a wrecking party and had all the quest put holes in the walls etc. Well eventually his past caught up with him and was unable to rent any more so he had to buy his own place. This put and end to his moving. Perhaps the same thing happend to your baby?

2006-06-06 19:56:17 · answer #4 · answered by Moloth 1 · 0 0

When you are only 6 months along, you may go a day w/o feeling your baby. It depends on how big you are if you feel your baby or not. I know when I was pregnant with my daughter that I didn't feel my daughter move every day when I was 6 months along. If you go more than 3 days w/o feeling your baby then you may want to go see your dr.

2006-06-06 19:55:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No I did not feel my son once for almost 24 hours. A couple of my friends told me to drink a glass of cold cold water and that worked. If you are still scared call you doctor they will clear anything question up for you. Remember that maybe your baby is sleeping when you are up and awake when you are sleeping and you would not notice the movement,
But call your doctor if you are really that scared. Do not get upset if the cold water trick does not work.

2006-06-06 19:58:43 · answer #6 · answered by Mrs. Mac 4 5 · 0 0

Try drinking something very cold or eating something cold (a popsicle or ice cream) then lie down on your left side. Your baby should move around in about 30 minutes. Take a shower, go for a walk, do anything that might move your baby around/wake him or her up. If you still feel no movement, then call your dr. He or she might want to see you. Sometiems babies just get very drowsy and feel lazy. :) It's best to call your doctor though.

2006-06-06 23:16:50 · answer #7 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

How have you been feeling today? When my sister was pregnant, she got really sick one day and wasn't feeling the baby move. The doctor said "When mommy doesn't feel good, baby doesn't feel good."

It may be worth a call to your doctor or an advice nurse if you are really concerned. I don't think you can be too careful when it comes to pregnancy, so don't feel bad for calling!

2006-06-06 19:54:06 · answer #8 · answered by sparklediamant 3 · 0 0

It should be fine but if it worries you get checked.
I was really worried while i was pregnant but apparently if your having a busy day thne most of the time you wont notice that the babe is kicking.
As i said before if your worried thers no harm going to the doc and getting checked up on

2006-06-06 21:22:49 · answer #9 · answered by samchic86 3 · 0 0

Sweetie, I would say you need to go to a doctor. Have you felt the baby at all? Or just a day? Because if it's just a day, the baby may be resting, but i wouldn't wait to long before going to the OBGYN. :)

2006-06-06 19:55:46 · answer #10 · answered by kitty_kats06 3 · 0 0