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i am asking this because of the following reasons.
1. indians had war with china, pakistan etc just for its idiot designs.
2. indians are starving, having one of the highest rates of suicide cases, biggest 'aids' country.
3. instead on spending on its people welfare the INdiAN gVT. is spending on ammunitions, missiles nukes (can these sophisticated equipment feed its public)
4. poking in other countries affairs e.g. srilanka, bangladesh, pakistan, china , nepal etc etc
Plz. donot take it so personally . these are facts. if not can you answer any one point. If yes then with logic, example or brains.

2006-06-06 19:31:41 · 58 answers · asked by you_asked_for_it 1 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

58 answers

your are not a holy man.....you may be a fool man......if somebody occupies your house what would be your reaction...my friend.......because of heavy populations we may face some probs....but among all these our economy still grows at the best in the world......can't you use your brain ever.......god bless my poor friend.....

2006-06-06 19:36:02 · answer #1 · answered by sri_pondy 4 · 2 0

How in the worlddo you say that China is a peace loving country after what they have done? Ruining the country of Tibet and destroying many pieces of Buddhist art and religiious items that were thousands of years old, Tienneman Square in which the government mowed their own peoplefor protesting, censoring its people,arresting people for dropping chewing gum on the ground? What about the way that women are treated? They have no knowledge of AIDS because the government refuses to educate people on the subject. India may have had wars but the Indian government is run by Muslims and Christians which explains why there have been wars,why they are spending money on nuclear material, and as you putit,poking into other countries affairs. India also has never initiated a war. India as always been attacked first. When India retaliates it is in self defense. Maybe if Pakistan would leave India alone over Kashmir, then things would be fine. Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan were all once part of the country of India. Pakistan seperated due to the overwhelming amount of Muslim population in the territory and the Muslim leader at the time threatened civil war if Pakistan was not made a country. Yes India has starving people. But then again so does every other country. I know that India may not be able to help the starving people but before you go and point fingers, look at President Bush. This idiot put us into a war that we should not have been in at all, tried to ban certain freedoms, did nothing to actually helpthis country or our starving peopleeven though we do have the money to help out, made English the official language of the U.S. AND he is the one selling the nuclear material to India, which has been a very peaceful country to this point. India is made up mostlyof Hindus,Muslims,and Christians. The Muslims and the Christians are the ones in power right now, and look what they are doing. Islam is a religion based on war. And as far as being the biggest HIV positive country, that goes to Africa. India has the fastest growing rate of HIV,but not the most people. AND the Indian government is doing things to prevent it, they are educating their people so the rate is slowing down. Based on the event of Tieneman Square and overtaking the PEACEFUL country of Tibet, I personally would never visit China. And next time before you start pointing fingers at another country, do some research.

2006-06-16 22:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You forgot the part where India is a democracy and China is almost entirely non-democratic. China executes an incredible number of people each year for crimes ranging from murder to disagreeing with government policies. China invaded and took over Tibet, and threatened to do the same to Nepal. China attempts to control world religions like catholism and buddhism by appointing its own "religious leaders" like bishops and Laamas without the religion's permission, and there are a whole lot of people in China who are no better off than the poor in India (your starving comment). China is in environmental crisis because its decisions about industry, coal mining, etc in the last few years. It has major international conflicts with Taiwan. China has nukes and doesn't tend to devulge its military spending.

Every country has issues. Don't pretend your racism is based in logic.

2006-06-15 14:32:08 · answer #3 · answered by totalx21 2 · 1 0

Well if both places are so great, why then is everyone coming to the good old USA. Everyone at one time was warring with someone over something. And Africa is the place that has the most AIDS

And the person who said soemthing about lawyers and doctors reading this, well then why are you over here for the good life and not back helping your people with bringing the medical and economy up to the standards that you want.

Everyone is trying to come over here. We have poverty here. But the untied states help out other countries. why don't the other countries who get money from us, pay us back.

And why does everyone have to go by race. what difference does it make, we are all humans and why can't we just go by that.

Every country has problems. We have had war for ages, and I don't think it is going to stop now. Everyone thinks it is greener on the other side, well we first have to look in our own backyards and start fixing things. People have their own opinions and beliefs, we can not push them on to other people. I have indian in me, and I don't think I am any better then anyone else. I'm just human, and not perfect.

2006-06-16 19:05:49 · answer #4 · answered by Mama Goose 3 · 0 1

You've bought into the party line. As a Tibetan how peaceful and loving the Chinese really are.

China has one of the worlds worst human rights record period.

China wont even acknowledge it has a population with AIDS they would rather let it spread and not warn its own people than to "look bad".

China's one child policy has also cause numerous abortions and many just because the child was going to be female and would not be able to pass on the family name.

Indians have a much higher percentage of vegetarians than any other country in the world... and vegetarians tend to be the most peaceful group of people they are. I can't speak for those who don't follow that way of life.

2006-06-20 12:09:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

if ur takin about the actually country India its because the ppl have no say i can say this from personal experience because ive been there and the ppl are extremely nice and lovin and the country is the way it is because of it rulers India isnt like America the ppl dont have a say in what they want the same with China kinda at least from what ive read i actually dont know ive never been there but Chinese are smart because they try most of the time it doesnt just come naturally but on a few rare occasions it does

2006-06-17 12:54:59 · answer #6 · answered by shorty 2 · 1 0

You are wrong. India is the only country where bombs are not exploding on a daily basis. India is the only country where you can get enough food for Rs.10/-. India is the only country where democracy has given rights to people. China has shut the mouth of all its citizens and you will not get news of any accidents except from sources other than China. All countries are spending on defence for survival. This can be stopped unless the entire world is brought under on Government. Poking is an act which everryone indulges as you have indulged in your question itself.

2006-06-17 01:08:40 · answer #7 · answered by ramo r 1 · 1 1

I am not sure that your statement is entirely accurate. The Chinese have the largest standing army in the world. They have enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world. They have seized control of Mongolia, exiled the Dalia lams from and seized his country. Have you forgot about the political prisoners and Tienanmen square murders . India had a civil war with the British leaving India and breaking the country into two countries, India and Pakistan. (ethic and religious differences). Yes India produced nuclear weapons but so has China and Pakistan. As far as people starving goes what you say may be true I have not heard that however I do Know that during the 1960's the U.S. heard of masses of trucks heading to the Chinese border from inside China, the U.S. sent in spy planes and the troop movements turned out to be Chinese trucks with corpses from a mass starvation of thousands of Chinese civilians. I am not defending India or China or Pakistan government policies but it needs to be pointed out that almost all countries meddle in the affairs of their neighbors, it may not be right but it does happen all the time. Sadly most countries spend more on their military than they should and not near what they should on social programs. But it is the nature of the world. I hope I have answered your question but it read more to me not as a question but more of a statement.

2006-06-17 19:28:56 · answer #8 · answered by Paul t 1 · 1 0

China has had a brutal 20th century history. Mao slaughtered an untold number in order to take and retain power. That is hard to overlook. We should get past all of that history and work towards economic cooperation. Both India and China are making great strides towards economic prosperity. Both are making huge contributions in the world economy. This requires compliance with a set of rules - including not blowing each other up. The entire world is better off because of economic cooperation. I only wish that N. Korea and other rogue states would put down their rhetoric, put down their animosity and open their societies to the rest of the world.

2006-06-19 01:21:11 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

My recollection is that China attacked and invaded India. Gee some of your other accusations sound like Chinese problems too. AIDS - just say we don't have it it'll go away. Feed the people, miltary spending in China is off the chart. Also the biggest exporter of miltary tech to rogue countries. Pollution?cmon now there are very few facts in your question - not as the rest of the world knows them.

2006-06-19 12:47:25 · answer #10 · answered by Norman 7 · 0 0

How could you ask these questions, when in fact China is not peace loving, and has tried to start wars with russia, thier fearless leader Mao, the one everyone in china worships, was in to having sex with little girls, instead of adults, they kill innocent babies for the simple reason, they want to be born, and now they are into trying to develope nuclear weapons, so they can think they are a world power, when they don't even treat thier citizens like humans

2006-06-15 09:57:52 · answer #11 · answered by dahorndogd013 4 · 3 0