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3 answers

I would expect the knife to be of a harder steel than the scissors....but if youve got a good pair of scissors and a cheap knife, then yeah, it might be possible.

I have several knives that I use for a variety of purposes, and I recommend sharpening the knives with the proper tools. 200 to 400 grit sandpaper, on a flat surface works...or hones (sharpening stones, use with oil), or diamond hones. Ive used all of these methods to sharpen knives, chisels etc... and can get a razor edge.

2006-06-07 06:43:50 · answer #1 · answered by thewrangler_sw 7 · 0 0

Ur question is not clear. Do u mean u want to use the scissors as file to sharpen the knife-? It is easier to buy a kitchen knife sharpener.

2006-06-07 10:18:57 · answer #2 · answered by ERM 2 · 0 0

Well, all your doing is wearing down the metal, on the knife, and yes, its possible, but, the edge wont be as good, or stay as long, doing this..

I would suggest, as the people who manufactor Worther knives do, take a belt sander, and use THAT to sharpen your knives!

I was at the factory in Ohio, and watched them as a lady brought her knives in to be sharpened. I thought, I could do THAT with my knives too!

Oh, if your "ever" in the New Philladelpia area in Ohio, I would suggest you stop in the Worther's Museum, its amazing the carvings that are in there!! Truley amazing!

I wish you well..


2006-06-07 05:39:15 · answer #3 · answered by x 7 · 0 0