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20 answers

being a diabetic now for over 20 years, I can say this much.
If both your glucoses have been relatively good over the years, & you don't have too many problems/effects from it...then you shouldn't have any problems. What if they get it too? that's the big question to ask yourselves

2006-06-05 23:53:19 · answer #1 · answered by ccchevydude 3 · 0 0

A lot of couples are having children later in life. Being diabetic should not stop you unless your diabetes is not controlable. Just remember that the older a woman gets, the higher the risk of complications. If you are really wanting that second child, make an appointment with your OBGYN soon as you can and discuss the possibilities with them.

2006-06-13 00:31:55 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I guess the first thing that comes to mind is how well controlled your diabetes is? How did you do with your first pregnancy. Have you had a long talk with your doctor about a 2nd pregnancy. How is your weight? If you have to loose some weight first that would be a first step before I would consider having a 2nd child. Pregnancy as wonderful as it is will be harder for you because of your diabetes. You may also want to consult a dietician as well.

2006-06-06 07:09:22 · answer #3 · answered by rusty 2 · 0 0

I believe that not only should you discuss your thoughts about this with your husband but you should see a ob/gyn that deals with high-risk. when you have diabetes you are considered high-risk. if you doctors feels that you conceiving is an option then you should follow your heart. If you are unable to conceive and your doctor does not think that it is a wise decision then there are always other options like adopting or maybe a foster child. I really honestly wish you all luck and your husband too!

2006-06-20 02:31:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can you control your blood sugar during pregnancy. Are you otherwise healthy. You need to work closely with your Dr. you are automaticly a highrisk pregnancy.

Also teach your kids how to control their diet when they are young.

IF you are worried there are lots of babys that need adopting and good parents. Just because you cant physicaly have kids does not mean you can not be parents. If there is danger why chance it when you could rescue a child and raise him/her in a loving home.

2006-06-06 06:51:53 · answer #5 · answered by Dee 4 · 0 0

Why not .
I would watch what they eat .
My husband and I are also diabetics.
Only you know how in control of it you are .If you both are out of control then no ,it would not be fair to the baby and the chances are it would be diabetic also . Is your son from another marriage ? If so he has a chance not to get it .
Good luck with your personal choice.

2006-06-19 23:03:06 · answer #6 · answered by Elaine814 5 · 0 0

I'm really haveing a hard time answering your question... because i don't know if you were diabetic before your first child was born... of if your child has diabeties... To be on the safe side i would have a talk with your OBGYN or your Endocronologist if you have on... and find out what the risk would be for you and your child..

2006-06-15 01:09:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey it dont mater and if anyone has anything to say tell them thatks for ur open mind but i know whats best for me if u can handle it go for it i have 3 slow kids and a baby wit club foot and id have another if i want to and we r all very happy and let me tell regardless iof what my kids r my life well if ya wanna go for it well goodluck

2006-06-19 22:52:57 · answer #8 · answered by baby_4th_unknown 2 · 0 0

I think that if you can keep everything under control and keep to a srtict diet wich I am sure you do anyway you should be fine...

2006-06-06 15:11:51 · answer #9 · answered by green_eyes_323_02 2 · 0 0

sure why not, i love children they are so cuteand adorable.....if u have some extra cash though, because it takes a lot of money to keep your kids going when they are over 6!!!! im serious!

2006-06-20 02:04:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0