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who decided the laws, i dont mean obvious ones like murder and mugging etc.. but what age you can drink , drive a car , vote , who decides what is best for us?

2006-06-05 23:16:32 · 23 answers · asked by aholic 1 in Education & Reference Trivia

23 answers

Bill gates !

2006-06-05 23:44:02 · answer #1 · answered by Taffy Comp Geek 6 · 3 1

There is a certain global body that gives the basis for what is acceptable on certain laws. every country then has the freedom to go from there...but sticking to the basics. These things were not decided one day...it came from long experiments of what works and what not. Science also plays a part. When a person can drink legally is the product of studies which shown when a person is mature enough to make those decisions

2006-06-06 06:25:59 · answer #2 · answered by lizannepret 3 · 0 0

It is the consequences, the punishment for our errors, mistakes and blunders that decides what is right or wrong in life for us.

The fact is that that we have accumulated our knowledge and understanding about what is right and what is wrong for us in life over the centuries through collective living. Now we do not have to try each and everything to find out whether it is good for us or bad for us, or whether it is right things for us to do or a wrong thing. The wisdom we induce form this extremely important and useful record of our past experience is formulated as laws that govern our collective lives, and the very wisdom is accepted by moral codes in our societies.

The formulisation or formalisation of our learning through our past living makes us almost forgetful of one important fact. You see, we assume that a ruler, a governor, police or a judge would tell us, or tells us, what is right and wrong for us. The fact is that these institutions are there just to inform us about laws and regulations, and also to ensure that we all know, respect and bide by what is right and wrong for us all.

Whereas, the process of differentiation between right and wrong is ongoing - it will never end. It is happening now, right now. According to my understanding, the fundamental things of life, the natural and essential truths, are not bound by time and space - they are universal. Like we say the Sun rises in the East. We might like to use the present tense instead, and ask - what decides what is right and wrong? We can know for ourselves today and decide what is right and wrong with our experience – we do not need anyone to tell us. But what will be the cost?

2006-06-07 07:04:53 · answer #3 · answered by Shahid 7 · 0 0

Law has evolved as humans developed a conscience of what is right and what is wrong mainly relating to actions that will impact on other humans.These were further developed by various religious teachings of what is right and wrong There are certain schools of thought that believe that certain criminals commit their crimes through their genetic make up i.e the they have a low level conscience consequently the old adage honour among thieves has little or no meaning.

2006-06-06 07:37:13 · answer #4 · answered by EL Cerebro 1 · 0 0

Most probably i decide 4 myself. But about offences only judiciary have the right 2 make the law & u have 2 obey it , its also included rite 2 vote & the age of driving .

But about basic things i think u have own brain 2 think. I felt basicly drinking & smoking, its really wasting of money , time & spoiling own health.

2006-06-06 06:26:56 · answer #5 · answered by Dolly_06 4 · 0 0

That's the people that your parents parent parents voted into power and that they then said yes to in a couple of votes and then our lovely 60's hippie folks got a lot of really shitty rules add cause they could not behave behind closed doors and so the rules keep piling on as we keep misbehaving.

2006-06-08 06:12:32 · answer #6 · answered by inlandza 1 · 0 0

the people who are appointed to make the laws ... which is why they vary in different countries, as a result of different people making the laws. Laws can be changed e.g. in a democracy by people who are given the power to do so through election into office, e.g. in a monarchy by the rulers of the state/country who are carried on through bloodline or heir appointment by the ruler

2006-06-06 06:29:43 · answer #7 · answered by greenday4ever 3 · 0 0

In most countries, these are decided by local or national legislatures
of by boards or commissions elected by the people or appointed by the leaders.

In a few countries these are decreed by a leader.

2006-06-06 07:18:34 · answer #8 · answered by me 7 · 0 0

The Government Decide most of the time , but in most cases it is our personal decision

2006-06-06 06:39:12 · answer #9 · answered by Augustin O 1 · 0 0

Because of our creation and with the consciousness that was poured into us we know in our heart whats right and wrong

2006-06-07 04:53:48 · answer #10 · answered by mo 1 · 0 0

Law makers.

2006-06-06 06:18:53 · answer #11 · answered by joann_xvi 4 · 0 0