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Im beginning to think that a secular society is the way forward. What do u all think about this?

2006-06-05 23:15:57 · 29 answers · asked by tigger3003uk 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Aha, by saying that "not being religious gives you nothing to look forward to" has no ground. I am personally not religious by i have plenty to look forward to!
What i don't like is when people say "my religion is greatest, my life is now fulfilled" - i cannot see how believing in something that has no proof will fulfill my life! (but if it fulfills yours then im really happy for you) religions are a belief system for someone who needs something to believe in, and i am personally not one who needs a religion to believe in in order to live and fulfill my life!

2006-06-05 23:53:37 · update #1

Sorry...i realised i just went slightly off the point with that last comment...oops!

2006-06-05 23:54:45 · update #2

29 answers

Yes, good question, I agree religion is a 'dummy' (comforter) for people !
I dont mind that I only object to their implication that we all need a babies dummy! As long as they keep it to themselves I dont care! But they really belive that they must preach and convert all to dummy suckers!

2006-06-10 18:19:38 · answer #1 · answered by budding author 7 · 0 3

Personally, I wouldn't deem all religions as wonderful. But it's a shame that their supporters want to impose them forcefully over the others, and in doing so they often contradict the very principles of their religions. Often, but not always, since some religions promote religious war as a spiritual value (and I won't give any examples).
But society is already secular, at least if you live in a Western country. I'm not sure it's the way forward. It may obstruct religious wars, but there are tons of others problems a secular society brings about. I would say the best would be to have a religious society, but not an enforcement of religion on non-believers.

2006-06-10 19:53:18 · answer #2 · answered by todaywiserthanyesterday 4 · 0 0

'All' religions are wonderful - to the followers of that religion. This is because religion is a very personal thing, we each see (or don't) god(s) in our own way, this is why religion is one of the subjects often best left out of personal conversations, to attack someones religion is (in their eyes) a personal attack on their beliefs - this includes those who believe in nothing at all - to attack them is to attack their belief that nothing exists (yes to believe nothing is still a belief - their is no proof of a divine entity, but it must also be accepted that there is no proof that there isn't't)

Religion HAS categorically caused conflict - Northern Ireland, Israel and the Arab world (even when you ignore the wests involvement!) to name but three, yes their are political issues as well, but that does not explain sectarian violence ie Catholic/Protestant, Jew/Muslim, Muslim/Muslim.

We all have different beliefs, we all believe ours to be the best, consequently when you attack someones belief they defend it - if they are a large group, you offend a large group, if your both large groups you are in a for a rough ride where eventually the original argument is forgotten and only point scoring counts.

Without PROOF there is only BELIEF, and that is a personal thing, so until there is PROOF either for or against, their is only belief - whatever it is in (or isn't in)

Basically, people are a problem.

Within my answer I have sought to give an explanation - your choice extract is a 'sound bite' from my answer, and out of context. Ignorance is stating something as fact when it isn't, answers here are an opinion I appreciate, however my full answer is summarised in the last sentence - people are a problem. Religon (or lack of it) is personal, if you want to start looking at religous texts you will see exactly the same as anyone else, however your interpretation of it will be personal to you - your understanding will reflect what you wish to understand - a bit like statistics really whereby you can find what you like and use it to support your view or argument. If you feel my answer is ignorant - come back with a coherent factual reason as to why it is.

2006-06-06 08:42:26 · answer #3 · answered by susan69me69 2 · 0 0

We, um, have a secular society. There was of course a reason for that. We have a number of people at the moment trying to make it less secular. Camel's nose under the tent type thing, why do you think the fundies are so dangerous?

Question, do you really care if gays marry? I don't. "Under God" in the pledge? I am sorry, it has been at least 35 years since I have ever even said the damned thing. "Faith based initiatives", Special sessions to decide if a woman who has been brain dead for a decade should be allowed to die.


There is nothing wrong religion as long as you don't insist someone else has to follow it because it is what you believe. Personally I believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I also happen to believe in God. And I don't expect anybody else to because I do.

2006-06-06 02:23:34 · answer #4 · answered by diogenese19348 6 · 0 0

There is a saying that all wars were caused by either women or religion. For example, Helen of Troy for women, and the Crusades for religion. Personally I think the 'women' option is really men in power wanting any excuse to kill people, which leaves religion.
I like to think of religion as a code of moral conduct. This is why all religions have a list of rules which one should abide by, many of which have interesting possibilities (Jews can't eat pork or shellfish, possibly this is simply because they don't keep in a warm climate such as in the Middle East), and incorporating them into religion makes sure people follow them.
There is another saying, which came round on email a couple of years back: "Religious wars are all about fighting over who has the best invisible friend". Quite controversial, eh?! (Some comedian said.)
So, religion as an excuse to go to war is wrong. Everyone has a beleif, and who is anyone to criticise it as being the wrong one? In England, football is rapidly becoming a religion of sorts, with many followers and disciples. And there are often fights over which is the best team. But when the players all seem to have played for every team anyway, are they really all that different? Are religions all that different?
All main religions say you should be nice to other people, and not steal things. The biggest difference between them all is who "started" the religion, or who is the prophet, and what happens to you when you are dead. Starting a crusade is trying to force your own beliefs on someone else; fighting someone because of their beliefs is a poor excuse: you are not being nice to other people, therefore not being a good follower of your own religion.
Not sure if that answered your question, but thatnks for making me think!

2006-06-05 23:31:21 · answer #5 · answered by Odie 1 · 0 0

We live in a secular society now so to suggest that is the way forward is slightly understated. I disagree with your arguement that war is solely caused by religion is also incorrect. It is humanities inabiltity and misunderstanding of the word of God that causes conflict. The intention of a religion is to promote a peaceful society based on love and understanding of each others beliefs. A Religion or sect which fails to do this is in my opinion is unjust in calling itself a religious organisation.

2006-06-09 08:26:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

firstly there is proof of god, not necessiraly christian. but the fact that people give personal testimony is proof, the fact that we are consious is proof and cannot be explained by science,
people blame religion for wars and conflicts but it is just a scapegoat and there would always be something else to fight about if there was no religion.
also about your comment on religion giving you something to look forward to is in my view wrong, a belif in god should be about enjoying the here and now, and having a focus and a source of inspiration which helps you get through the days and weeks.

2006-06-07 00:49:02 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Wars are fought because men are sinfull.

Do you see anything good religions do.

How about the salvation army or the red cross. What about soup kitchens and money donated by religious people across the world.

Wars have been fought over beautiful women. Does that mean that this world would be better off with out women.

2006-06-05 23:18:42 · answer #8 · answered by Dee 4 · 0 0

Organized religion is the problem. You have MEN in charge, and they have issues. No person on this planet is better equipped to tell someone else what is right or wrong. I am not raising my children with religion. Are they heathens with no morals? My children are the best behaved out of the whole bunch. All I ever hear is how wonderful they are. I do not put the fear of God in them. I just show them the consequences of there actions. Never once do they hear the word SIN. I do not have to scare them with fire and brimstone.

2006-06-06 04:00:13 · answer #9 · answered by tyingtobenice 5 · 0 0

The Order Of Chaos is the only religion which does not cause war as it is more defined as a way of life.

It teaches that God is Chaos; does not exist and therefore can never be proven to exist.

Chaos is a state of being; through perfect order chaos will inevitably ensue and vice versa through perfect chaos order can be established.

Chaos is both Good and Evil in perfect balance
Chaos is both Male and Female in perfect balance
Chaos controls creation and destruction two abilities which no one in this universe holds; we learn this fact at a young age this religion simply takes this truth and runs with it.

And the best thing, Chaos is impartial to your every action and thought he/she does not judge and does not request you to worship him/her.

You can live in ignorance of him/her if you wish, it will not anger him/her; he/she allows you to believe what you need to believe in order to live your life and thus does not intentionally impose upon the beliefs of any other religion or society.

2006-06-05 23:35:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think the secular society is definately the way to go, but it is by no means a magic bullet to end all wars and conflicts. Religions have caused many of the worlds wars, but i honestly think that humans will find any reason to kill each other, nationalism, resources, racial hatred, etc. But at least people wouldnt be living a fairy tale.

2006-06-05 23:20:24 · answer #11 · answered by UCSC Slugmaster 4 · 0 0