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2006-06-05 23:07:20 · 11 answers · asked by adityaagarw 1 in Education & Reference Homework Help

11 answers

The need of the hour is to manage waste well because inefficient waste management could cause irreparable damage to the environment.

“Those who think that sustainability is only a matter of pollution control
are missing the bigger picture.
We are poised at the threshold of an historic moment
in which many of the world’s industries may be transformed.”

check out this link:


u can check out some examples of wealth from waste products by clicking on the following link


Solid waste management poses stupendous problems as well as unlimited opportunities for turning waste into wealth. The environmentalist concern for containing pollution levels and conserving non-renewable natural resources has focussed attention on the three R’s, namely Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste materials. A careful study of the progress made by Metro Toronto in Solid Waste Management (SWM) reveals eye opening information for those who would like to enter the recycling market for starting potentially lucrative businesses. The SWM division of Metro Toronto manages about 5 million tons of waste per annum of which 3 million tons are disposed at land fills, leaving 2 million tons that was diverted from land fills for recycling. Land fills are not the answer to the problem of SWM due to the growing population and urbanization. The real answer lies in stepping up the rate of diversion from land fills to achieve the three R’s.

Metro Toronto ranks as one of the largest municipalities in N. America and one of the few that have a well chartered plan and programme for stepping up the pace of recycling. This has given rise to a thriving recycling industry comprising more than 1000 small, medium and large businesses such as haulers, brokers, processors, recyclers, suppliers of waste reduction equipments, customised collection system designers, wholesale pick up services, confidential document shredders, waste audit consultants, energy conversion units, drum re-conditioners, converters, compactors, etc. in Ontario province alone. Some of them are manufacturers-***-recyclers engaged in ‘closed loop’ recycling in manufacturing activities like plastic compounding, paper, insulation tapes, moulded paper, cryogenic recycling of rubber and plastics, wiping cloth, fire logs, culets from glass wastes, composting, scrap metal smelting, solvent recycling etc. Metro Toronto has set a target of 90% diversion by the year 2030 from the present level of 40%. This will open up vast frontiers in recycling business making it highly beneficial to Man and Nature, besides the great potential of generating employment and income.

A glance at the financial picture of Metro Toronto’s SWM will make one appreciate the truism behind the concept of wealth from waste. Metro Toronto’s annual revenue from SWM has matched its expenditure of about $150m in recent years thus giving zero net expenditure. Much of the municipality’s revenue comes from land fill management fees levied by it. With no more land fills available and growing community protests against it, the pace of recycling will be stepped up by persuasive, compulsory and punitive measures to achieve the target of zero land fills. The municipality has taken appropriate measures like increasing the number of waste materials that will be prohibited from land fills such as cardboard, wood, metals, paper, etc. The list will soon become so exhaustive as to cover the entire spectrum of industrial, commercial and institutional wastes and will call for total recycling of all wastes in the years to come. The ratio of virgin to recycled input in industries which is about 8 to 2 at present will get reversed by the ceaseless pursuit of environment protection. The stringent curbs on land fills through steep hikes in SWM fees for disposal at land fills has actually contributed to the remarkable growth of the recycling industry. Metro Toronto’s SWM fees are among the highest in N. America at $200 to $250 per ton.

Indeed one of the beneficial outcomes of such regulatory measures is the expansion, both vertical and horizontal, of the recycling industry in Ontario province. Despite the impressive growth of the recycling market in Ontario, the actual quantity of waste materials recycled represents not more than 30% of the solid wastes managed at present. The recycling industry has unlimited scope for growth and has the attributes of a recession proof industry. It has a pyramidal structure, with hundreds of small traders who source, collect and market a variety of waste materials at the bottom of the pyramid, some intermediate processors and converters at the middle and a few manufacturers and recyclers at the top of the pyramid. It is a three-tiered structure involving very low capital outlay and technology for those operating at the bottom tier. Businesses at tier two and three are capital and technology intensive and are therefore the realm of big corporations. Government grants and funds are focussed on promoting businesses in tier two and three which get 90% funding for capital equipments. A wide range of machinery and equipments for pollution control and waste reduction, reuse and recycling are available in North American markets.

2006-06-16 23:23:25 · answer #1 · answered by halleberry_aus 4 · 0 0

How about biomass fuels from a land fill?
Grinding up old plastic pop bottles to make polar fleece..
Recycling older homes set for demolition for the wood and useable building materials.

Many ways to turn waste into wealth. Only limited by your imagination.

2006-06-16 05:32:43 · answer #2 · answered by JJ R 1 · 0 0

I'm about to go to the masajid now, and I hope the khutba will be on something important. I think last week it was about bugs. Every khutba has a lesson to be learned, but some lessons are more important than other. it will be interesting to hear the topic.

2016-03-15 01:13:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2017-02-09 00:03:31 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Sorry but I for one thing you need to give some more info here.
first off whoes wealth? Next what kind of senerio are you talking about here. You talking about recycling stuff or what , and who make the big money for it right???????

2006-06-19 08:05:17 · answer #5 · answered by jjnsao 5 · 0 0

waste can be wealth if you will sell it in a junkshop i think. you can recycle it too buy turning them into a product like paper from magazine or any kind of paper. you can make them into vase something like that.

2006-06-14 23:30:38 · answer #6 · answered by Jonacx 2 · 0 0

bio gas from cow dung.

find some craft sites..i saw some great projects on using used coke cans to create great decorative stuff.

making manure from kitchen food waste.

2006-06-18 03:13:49 · answer #7 · answered by Net Oracle 4 · 0 0

if you are askin for an essay or term paper or research paper, i suggest to use paid services like http://www.nicetermpaper.com which is gud and cheaper.

2006-06-05 23:24:51 · answer #8 · answered by IAR 2 · 0 0

check out what interface flooring is doing...

Recycled goods (such as carpet) being made into new carpet

2006-06-16 15:37:04 · answer #9 · answered by Tim F 2 · 0 0



2006-06-16 18:26:15 · answer #10 · answered by Shreya 1 · 0 0