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2 answers

Sick sinus syndrome is a dysfunction of "sino atrial node"which normally and autonomously controls heart rate.A sick sinus slows down heart rate.It occurs as an ageing process,hypothyroidism,ischemic heart disease,over dose of drugs like Digoxin,Atenalol etc. ECG shows P wave changes. Low heart rates,changing heart rates,from slow to rapid occur.Not always fatal,the treatment depends upon the cause.

2006-06-05 23:13:57 · answer #1 · answered by J.SWAMY I ఇ జ స్వామి 7 · 0 0

It is an abnormality in the rhythm of the heart and usually a pacemaker is needed for correction.Yes it is serious but treatable

2006-06-06 06:14:24 · answer #2 · answered by kallie 1 · 0 0