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will they encounter sexual problems in years to come?or any other problems?

2006-06-05 22:31:20 · 58 answers · asked by luv 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

58 answers

thats not much of an age difference as long as u are in love age means nothing lol

2006-06-05 22:33:56 · answer #1 · answered by alan22 2 · 0 0

They say that for a man, the right age of partner is half his own age plus seven. So right now, you're pretty much ideal for him. But that's just me being silly - ignore.

Sexual problems are like dentists - you can try to keep them out of your life but no matter how well you take care of yourself you'll never be completely rid of them. The ability to deal with sexual problems depends more on the strength of the relationship than anything else. Right now, though, I'm guessing you'd be better off sexually with someone with a bit of maturity than with some kid.

Also, seven years age difference won't seem like so much in the long term if you are similar people. If you're a wild party girl just reaching your peak, and he's already beginning to wind down, then you may annoy each other in the future. But if you make sure you always understand each other fairly well, this doesn't matter so much. BTW understanding each other is a continuous process! It doesn't ever stop because you don't stop changing and growing as individuals.

2006-06-05 22:41:15 · answer #2 · answered by wild_eep 6 · 0 0

That is a good age difference because men mature less quickly than women. Of course you cannot guarantee he will not have sexual or health problems in later years but the same applies to you. If you are worrying about these things already though, I would have to say that it sounds like you don't really love him enough to make it work. Maybe you just arent ready for marriage. When you really love someone you won't give a damn about what goes wrong in the future. In sickness and in health remember? x

2006-06-05 23:35:53 · answer #3 · answered by pamperpooch39 5 · 0 0

I was 37 when I married my 22 year old wife. This Saturday will be 11 years of wonderfully wedded bliss. We did have some minor sexual problems for a couple of years. I wanted it more than she did but we talked about it and everything is great now!
As long as the two of you can talk about things, the problems will be minimal no matter what they are.
Good luck

2006-06-06 05:24:34 · answer #4 · answered by Ekimo 5 · 0 0

I think it depends on the maturity and life experience of both of you. If you feel like you have seen and done all you want to and are now ready to settle down, just be sure that she feels the same way about her aims in life. If however there is a chance that your opinions on when to start a family and where to go on holiday -for example- differ, you may want to rethink marriage until you are back on the same page. On the positive side, age is only a number, and don't let social opinion sway you from true love. Good luck.

2006-06-05 22:59:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well it has not had an effect on me I'm married to a man six years younger than me and weve been married 17 years,we don't have any such problem and my parents ,god rest their souls ,my father was 11 years older than my mother go for it if you love this person ,nevermind the age

2006-06-06 05:38:59 · answer #6 · answered by okayalder62 5 · 0 0

me and my husband are 9 years apart only problem that we have is since he is older he does not get excited about little things like i do. he already went threw his 20's and I'm still in mine. As far as sex it could not be better it is not on his mind all the time like the younger men and we spend time together without having to think about it.
if a week goes by and we don't have sex then that's fine we have sex when we want to. unlike younger couples they feel that if they don't have it once twice a week then they are missing something... So go get married have a nice life and do not let 7 years bother you i did not let 9!.. lotz of luck

2006-06-05 22:38:46 · answer #7 · answered by ~Mrs.C 4 · 0 0

if you are both in love no problem my friends are still together after 7 years and there is a 16 year gap and they are happier now then when first met beacause they realised the age gap is not a problem it was other people that had the problem who were probably jealous. so go for it

all the best

2006-06-09 01:43:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My wife is 16 yours younger than me.We have 2 beautiful children together.As for sexual problems there are all kinds of medications out there to keep the old boy rollin.No medications for me yet and the wife cant keep up with me.Go for it.Keep her happy and content in all areas of the relationship and age truly does become just a number.

2006-06-05 22:41:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Age is nothing but a number as they say. I see nothing wrong with that at all. Can't see you encountering any sexual problems - if anything he will have more experience .

2006-06-05 22:38:30 · answer #10 · answered by Sparkle 1 · 0 0

The ultimate advice in marriage is not of matters to age, but of love - if couples are willing to love each other through thick and thin, sickness and health - if they are willing to conquer all odds (even sexual problems if there would be) and that only death will separate them.

2006-06-05 23:11:23 · answer #11 · answered by kia 3 · 0 0