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Interview is for bath and body works? This is the first job i am applying for, so I don't know what to wear. Also, does anyone know what the bath and body works uniform is?

2006-06-05 19:28:59 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

i am applying to be a sales person/ cashier

2006-06-05 19:31:56 · update #1

skirt is a little past the knees

2006-06-05 19:33:47 · update #2

Would nice pants look better than a skirt? I am not sure how to look nice but still young and fun.

2006-06-05 19:38:38 · update #3

37 answers

No that wouldn't be a good idea, not the tank top. You should look professional. You don't have to be too dressy but try business casual. I'm not sure of a bath and body works uniform, it's been awhile since I've been in there. Good luck with your interview. I hope you get the job.

2006-06-05 19:31:27 · answer #1 · answered by Nico 7 · 0 0

No way, you want to look professional even if the uniform for the job is not necessarily professional. It is always better to be overdressed for something like this. You don't need a suit, but a skirt or dress pants with a dress shirt or polo shirt (3/4 or long sleeved, no sleeveless or short sleeves). This applies even though it is summer. I am working in Bangkok right now, and just because it is warm does not mean that we can wear more casual clothes. Also because it is Bath and Body Works, make sure your make-up is well done and tasteful.

2006-06-05 19:35:13 · answer #2 · answered by punky_tshirts 2 · 0 0

No, it sends an inappropriate message. In a job interview, a conservative semi sexy is OK, like a business skirt to the knee, nice blouse and optional jacket. Of course the type of job would change the outfit a little, but never dress too sexy or show too much skin in an interview.

2006-06-05 19:34:49 · answer #3 · answered by fortuitousoppty 5 · 0 0

1st of all great job on asking!! before you made fashion suicide.

2. tank tops are never acceptable in a professional world. well not alone. you can put a light sweater over it or a jacket something needs to cover your sholders. (unless your on a tennis court)

do not wear a low cut shirt. wear a colour that brings out your eyes.

Skirts are ALWAYS in. its very femine. try something knee lenth or a A line skirt those are always slimming and georgous no matter the occasion.

Never use a lot of makeup. this just makes ppl look older or like hookers. light and clean is the way to go.

wear comfortable shoes. something that you can stand in comfortably just in case your waiting they wont see you dancing around trying to get pressure off your feet. be prepared. this also keeps you from tripping on the way out.

dont drench yourself in perfume. i know BBW has a lot of smells going but dont try to out due them. when you go to the back office it should not over power the boss.

If its spring and still a chill bring a light (nice) jacket this way you can lay it over your arm/hands and fiddle with something so they cant see your nervous. speak up and speak with confidence. convey you want the job to better yourself and not cause you NEED it. now we all knwo we need the job but when you look desperate its never a good thing.

Look around the persons office and see if they have a poster or calender of something that your also interested in. break the ice....

and good luck!

2006-06-05 19:50:28 · answer #4 · answered by ksuccubis 2 · 1 0

NO! i mean, i understand ur interview is a bath and body works and not some financial company, but if you dress up in a suit(those cute girly dress suits) or a fancy black pants and a nice top, it will show ur employers that you can be formal, appropriate... it also shows that u are serious about this job. if you come in a tank top and a skirt, they won't take u seriously... they'll think ur just "some" teenager.

2006-06-05 19:38:12 · answer #5 · answered by Isabel 2 · 0 0

Go to a Bath and Body Works store before the interview to check out what they are wearing. I wouldn't wear a tank top. Just wear something similar to what the other employees are wearing if you have time to go by and sneak a peek before the interview.
It is better to be overdressed than underdressed, in any situation.
Good luck!

2006-06-05 19:32:28 · answer #6 · answered by Aemilia753 4 · 0 0

Our local Bath and Body Works is in the Mall and they are dressy, I would say NO to the tank top for any job interview.

2006-06-05 19:30:47 · answer #7 · answered by tootiefrootie 3 · 0 0

the skirt is okay, but I would wear a nice blouse. it is a place of business and wearing a tank top is a little too casual for a job interview.

2006-06-06 09:57:03 · answer #8 · answered by captures_sunsets 7 · 0 0

The skirt would be fine but lose the tank top.Instead wear a nice blouse or dress.

2006-06-05 20:23:13 · answer #9 · answered by rachellynn200 5 · 0 0

No, dress professionally. Slack or decent length skirt, with nice blouse or a business suit. You want to be taken seriously then take the interview seriously.

2006-06-05 19:32:46 · answer #10 · answered by letmesurpriseu 4 · 0 0