As I said in a earlier question. The government of the people, for the people, and by the people needs to be taken back by the people. Get all the Lawyers out of the picture, Vote a retired farmer, carpenter, mechanic, construction worker, factory worker into office. Anyone who makes over a Hundred thousand shouldn't even be allowed to run. Politician should be Latin for " A barrel of fishhooks" There all that crooked and any one of them will stick you. Democrats& Republicans are like a old country outhouse, same toilet different hole and still full of sh--. I hope for all that it wont be much longer that the people realise they can stand united again and say enough is enough we cant stand no more. It is time for a change.
2006-06-12 17:14:19
answer #1
answered by Justa Countryboy 2
I see questions like this, and see folks like this asking these questions where I go to grad school. Their affiliation? The union Socialists. I am sure that they have gained a larger foothold on college campuses because of the abuse of both political parties, but it would appear that the current Bush Administration has done a lot to disrupt how we are perceived at home and overseas. When people do not have faith in the existing government, the seeds of revolution are sown.
And the answer is to your question is this: it will be along time indeed. Our country has used the bicameral system for a long time and, for the most part, works. If you are unhappy with the system, put down picket sign and sign up to run for office. Change things from inside the system, which is more effective and definitely more durable, as political change goes.
2006-06-14 17:03:23
answer #2
answered by arcayne_1 3
There is really no need to have more than a two-party system. The problem is repug or Democrat it is the LOBBYISTS. If we got rid of them and had truw campaign reform where the GOVERNMENT gave each person seeking the Presidency to have $500,000.00 to campaign with, the ability to put in NO personal money and absolutely nothing from corporations or PACS, you would see a major turn in the way politics are played. As long as corporations can give big money to candidates, you will see corruption. For example, in Texas, we have a builder, Bob Perry, gave almost $600,000 in campaign contributions to Ggreg Abbott the attorney general. As a result when the State comptroller wanted to investigate the Texas Residential Construction Commission, she was told that she had no right to do so. This allowed 86% of the homeowners that used the TRCC process to look into their homes that were built with defects to be ignored. Abbott paid back his campaign contributor by protecting him. It goes on in a lot of campaigns and it needs to stop.
2006-06-18 19:01:56
answer #3
answered by edaem 4
It will take as long as the masses feel they are the only ones that have a chance at winning.
My best advice is to get it so that each "good idea" gets a law of its own. All amendments must only be to clarify the law. There can be NO trailers, or attachments that are unrelated to the clarity of the law. This would make it so that the legislators vote was totally transparent. One couldn't say they voted for the garbage because there was a diamond buried down deep in the bill.
Law/bill are being used interchangeably.
2006-06-05 14:56:32
answer #4
answered by viablerenewables 7
Not much longer. Elections for our new president is coming up soon. Mr. Bush is not concerned because the politicians running behind him pretty much have all the same agendas, there own.
I am an Independent Civilian, I am some what liberal on some issues, and others, I am strict.
My rights are violated when I apply for work, which by the way pushes up the cost to employ Americans. Illegals do not have to go through background checks, and drug tests, but I intend to change that. Our politicians slander each other on television every campaign season, while they spout lies to the American people about what they intend to do. My home can be stolen by em-anent domain, which is a direct violation of Declaration of Independence. My home, can be taken after I pass away if my name is on the title, and I have had to use medicaid because I cant afford health care, then died of poor health. That law went on the books in Texas almost two years ago. Is your state next?
I can have my home raided at all hours of the day and night, as well as of in front of my children, and family members, to which I care for, by my local police in mass round up raids for civil violations, as unpaid parking tickets, or city ordinance fines, that I can not afford to pay. There used to be, and still are laws on the Federal books to protect Americans from being treated like hardened criminals for being poor. However, the 12 mil illegal voters in this country helped vote in the Patriot Act, without ever knowing what it says. It took allot of work, and a lot of research on passed Patriot Acts, and comparing the Declaration of Independence which was also amended under the Patriot Act. I wonder why by the way that other presidents used similar acts during their presidencies never amended the Declaration of Independence to ensure that the American people would not take percieve the Patriot Acts as an act of war by the American Government, against the American People.
Which is what the Declaration of Independence declairs presidents like Mr. Bush is doing.
It took going back through 8 years of constitutional amendments to discover what laws were actually being violated by the Patriot Act Against the American People. This act has now been extended for another four years. So, if you think the next presidental canidate is going to be for the people, you are sadly mistaken.
Canidates like John Kerry that have no problem coming on television and telling people that he does not care as to whether they want another tax increase, they are getting it, are out dated, useless, and with my efforts on their way out.
2006-06-18 07:50:44
answer #5
answered by Spirited1 2
It is not the Rep or Dems, it is the quality of candidates. If you are not rich you can't run without selling your soul to the money people. The people of this country need to get out and VOTE period. If more than 50% or sometimes only 49% vote we get what we get! Your vote is your voice in government! When a candidate says I will vote for limited terms IE: 8yrs max.Make them stand by their word or vote them OUT next election. Stop voting for people who are in office for more than 8 yrs. and they'll all get the message. Stop voting for people who tag pork onto their bills. If it doesn't pass as one rule only vote the idiots out. We the people are the real say in our country but only if we VOTE I can say that often enough. Usually the loudest are the oes who didn't! Wake up use your right to vote, if you do, maybe the people who run will finally listen. Than you won't have to be rich, because nobody will be in long enough to get rich.
2006-06-18 05:07:42
answer #6
answered by olderandwiser 4
A loooong time. The Green Party may stand a chance but
they will have to work their way up for years.
Even Republicans don't like Republicans now but the
Republican voters will stick with Bush and his gang
because thats what they always do.
Democrats have a chance to take back the "House"
if enough Republican voters come to their senses and
cross over,and if enough Dems get out and vote.
I don't like the idea that America will have to "take care" of Iran.
2006-06-17 05:23:45
answer #7
answered by Answers 5
I would argue some of this has happened because people have stopped voting. These politicians come from somewhere on the local level, if people don't vote and participate, they rise in the ranks until we get a Presidential election where voting for one person seems the lesser of two evils. They know how to work the system, when will we figure out that it is our vote that can stop it.
2006-06-13 13:35:47
answer #8
answered by swdMO 3
OK a agreed but what are the other choices? Why is there only 2 major parties. It should be at least 4 major parties in my book. I think we should learn from the U.K. and there Parliament make up and how easy it is to actually fire a president or elected official. Maybe that will stir the coals to actually do what the people want versus what the Big Multinationals want.
2006-06-18 09:39:21
answer #9
answered by Alright! 3
Both the Demos and Repubs are controlled by a group known as the Illuminati....that is why there is so little difference between them. Also the CEO's of every large corporation, all news media, etc. are controlled directly or indirectly by the Illuminati.
Please refer to the web sites below for further information.
2006-06-05 14:54:57
answer #10
answered by pinelake302 6