yes they are!
2006-06-05 13:42:15
answer #1
answered by Green Goblin 1
Sounds like he was nervous about the whole situation. Maybe he just don't understand how to talk to a woman. In a way that may be a good thing. He probably is seeing someone else and he is afraid that if he tells you about her it will scare you away. Maybe he is not ready to break up with her yet. He may need more time because the other woman is crowding him. I have been in the same situation with guys in the past and it is hard to break up with a guy when he is nice to you. It is human to not want to hurt someones feelings. I would give him all the time he needs. If he is really interested he will call you back. Another scenario would be that he is getting serious about you and he wants to take his time before he gets in a long term relationship. He may be trying to figure out what he really wants first so he will make the right decision. This is a good thing. I would give him another chance. Remember he is a guy and everybody thinks differently.
2006-06-05 20:53:53
answer #2
answered by Busy Lady 2010 7
Why are you being impatient and bewildered by his reaction?
The exchange between you and he is first-hand and would be more clear to you than any of us here, and it's crystal clear to me.
You women pull this on we guys all the time, only you usually don't bother saying anything to us about it.
The guy likes you, and apparently he likes you a little too much for his comfort. Certainly you can understand that! The guy just wants to feel what he feels and also think about it.....mull it over in his mind as well as his heart. And there you go being all pi$$y and selfish about it.
The world doesn't revolve around you my dear....other people have feelings and deserve their right to think and feel things too. For whatever reason this guy likes you. I don't imagine it's your demeanor, but there must be something he finds appealing in you. Be thankful someone finds you so special that they have to give so much of their own time to think about these matters. Be thankful that someone in this world finds you *this* special.
I'm sure you're a pleasant enough person, but be mindful of other people....and the best of luck to you.
2006-06-05 21:23:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
im going through the exact same thing!! im about to go crazy. this guy i like, and who i swear likes me back hasnt talked to me in a week and a half! I feel like hes forgotten about me. I've tried messaging him and i get no response.
it sounds like he's very nervous and has some serious issues. (if hes afraid hes going to try to push you away, theres something going on you need to beware of)
I would recommend not being pissed with him. But like you said, DO NOT SIT AROUND AND WAIT. be patient and make him figure out what he wants, tell him that you like him and would like to be with him, but youre not going to wait around forever. then go on with your life. If he wants you, then he'll step up. if he says he needs more time, then just back off. Move on.
2006-06-05 20:49:40
answer #4
answered by MRose 4
Men are lost because they are to proud to stop and ask directions.
As for what you want to happen in this relationship, you need to look deep inside. Do you deserve to be treated like this? Are you worthy of being treated better? Is it really love or just someone to hang out with? Think about your answers and what direction you want your life to go in.
2006-06-05 21:26:46
answer #5
answered by heartwhisperer2000 5
yes we are lost most of the time, give him another shot, he just wanted to take some time to clear his head, many guys do this without telling because, they still get stress from their woman about it, guys just need time to cool off now and again so they can let their stress go, trust me, i am a guy, give the guy another shot, he is proubaly kicking himself right now, and do it before he finds someone else, half the time when a dude gets dumped, he goes straight back out to look for someone else
2006-06-05 20:45:29
answer #6
answered by Pandora Tommorow 4
you basically shouldn't have told him that. if you really liked him you would respect that. maybe he likes you alot and is scared of getting too serious too fast. alot of people (especially guys) do this. it doesnt mean he doesnt like you.
if he did this for months then i can see you being mad but not a few days. give it time... afterall, he did make the effort to text you. text him back and tell him you want to talk.
2006-06-05 20:44:27
answer #7
answered by Cupid 6
Intense feelings scare some people , especially when it happens for the 1st time. He may be overwhelmed. He may be a very deep person who takes his feelings seriously and this kind of guy is worth a chance. Why be so mean to him ....unless you think he is a liar.?
2006-06-05 20:44:41
answer #8
answered by toe poe gee gee oh 5
No if he's that shallow let him go find someone else. And if he comes back to you tell him that you thought he was dropping a hint that he didn't like you and you were pissed off that's what I would've done!
Hope I Helped!
*~<3 Lols <3~*
2006-06-05 20:46:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Guys are very confusing! They never know what they want and string us along. You have to decide whether a guy who "likes you alot" but then doesn't talk to you is someone you want to be with. I always thought that once a guy likes you and you like him, things should run smoothly together. A guy who shuts you out to "help you out" is screaming that he is emotionally unstable. Be very cautious with him!
2006-06-05 20:44:55
answer #10
answered by daisygal3fdu 2
He put you through hell by not talking to you. Most men are lost. You need someone that won't be like that. There are plenty of men who out there who are not lost. Go find one.
2006-06-05 20:44:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous