So ya, who do you want to, and think, will win the world heavyweight tile at WM23? i'm a taker fan all the way, so, not to be bias, but i do want taker to win. and i have my reasons as well, not just the fact that he's my favorite wrestler ever. but i mean, if his impressive WM streak has to be beaten by anyone, why bastista? batista's okay, but, good enough to end the streak? i really don't think so.besides, he's new and more then likely has his whole carrier ahead of him. taker's quite possibly around the end of his rope. they say he might retire pretty soon. now, that could be rumors, seein as he was supposed to retire around WM18. but even so, if he is more then likely gonna retire, they should let him have one more title run. dave batista is a newcomer who hasn't risen to the succes such as others' like taker. . taker deserves this, and something as great in the wrestling world as taker's Wm streak should not be tarnished by something like this. if taker looses i'm done with WWE
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