ok so ive been reading questions about john cena recently and ive noticed that alot of the wrestling fans hav benn sayin " cena sucks, he cant rap wrestle , or act when that makes no sence in the first place becuz if he cudnt wrestle he wudnt be wwe champ and he wudnt b in th wresling industry. ok he got a movie job wich i probably can gaurentee we will never get, and he has his own CD. so thats 4 the haters. as 4 being a cena fan i notice that evrybdy who dislikes him comlains that only children like him . i am only 13 but i kno my wrestling. so that duznt make sence either y do the haters always say y u defendin john cena , when all the haterz defend the things they like 4 example: tna , there fav wrestler ,and edge , kurt aand so on
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