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2007-03-08 13:02:59 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 Kelvin 6 in 食品與飲料 其他:食物和飲料

6 個解答

唔係因為香港人驕生慣養, 只係我地同外國人的口味唔同之嘛
因為外國人比較鍾意簡樸嘅生活, 所以連食物都比較簡單
同埋響外國比較難搵到新鮮的食物, 通常都係凍冰冰的 @_@
好似意大利人咁, 佢地會鍾意去返意大利的餐廳
但係就算幾高級都好, 放響枱面的食物好多都係冷盤 (最多就係煙肉同芝士)
同埋就算煮法都同我地好大分別, 好似我地會將D肉扒煮到好入味
但係佢地就鍾意就咁放入焗爐烤熟就算~ 佢地覺得咁先食到原味
不過我地就覺得原味咪即係無味囉 @_@
又好似法國人咁, 佢地可以朝頭早買一條好長嘅法國麫包
一日三餐就食嗰條包, 咁當然會加鵝肝醬等貴價野, 佢地覺得咁樣已經好享受
但係我地一次半次無所謂, 不過要成日食就想死......
同樣地, 外國人初頭都會欣賞我地飲唐茶, 煲仔飯等食物
但係要佢成日食, 佢會覺得你想殺死佢 (因為佢覺得呢D食物高脂高膽固醇)

2007-03-09 06:33:50 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2007-03-08 14:04:22 · answer #2 · answered by 可憐的混血王子 3 · 0 0

唔好意思﹐首先我覺得你有D用詞不當..."嬌生慣養" ?
覺得冇野好食唔代表嬌生慣養囉..=_= 系人都有中意同唔中意食既野架喇~

回答翻你條問題﹐ 事實上﹐我個人都覺得國外冇咩好食﹐
講亞洲食物﹐系北美洲﹐D唐餐當然會爭D喇~ 系冇咁地道﹐而且好多好好味既Asian Food 哩度都冇!
講北美食物﹐咪D pasta, steak, fast food...出名D既系亞洲都有得買~
例如 : McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Subway, Pizza hut 等fast food 我相信系亞洲好多地方都買得到!
應該唔止香港人覺得外國冇野好食~ 好多國家既人應該都覺得外國冇咩好食~


2007-03-08 13:19:57 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0







2007-03-08 13:17:40 · answer #4 · answered by popo 3 · 0 0

香港人是已經驕生慣養. :)
Hong Kong has a very special historical background, and as an international port and logistics city, Hong Kong gathers all the good food from places all over the world ... excellent quality food from both the east and west.
We are close to Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Korea ... we can have the good selection of imports from the east.
We also has a long history with all the English colonial places, like austrialia, new zealand, india, UK, and Hong kong itself was a british colony anyway. We can also import the best goods from the above western countries also ...
How about food from USA, USA had export goods to Hong Kong before China has a better relationship with them, so Hong Kong is also in favor.
Now, all the good food from both the east and the west... are in Hong Kong ...
Hong Kong are the best place to eat, since it has all the talent in cooking too ...
For example, Taiwan has all the fresh ingredients, but the chef is not that international ... and lost that international taste ... even the ingredients and raw materials are good ... still not good enough compare to Hong Kong ...
Hong Kong people had trained to eat food from all over the world ... the mixed culture help us so much :)

2007-03-08 13:11:44 · answer #5 · answered by alien3333 7 · 0 0

1) 價錢: 外國d野一般都好貴, 飯錢有限, 可供選擇ge都唔方好食
有d地方成40蚊一個漢堡包, 點食得落呀...
2) 飲食文化: 外國肉多, 薯仔多, 一餐半餐就話者, 日日食佢都幾惡頂
就算去唐人街, d野食啱口味, 但又好貴..

2007-03-08 13:09:59 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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