listen to the conversations. fill in the missing words.
man:hi, was your trip?
yumiko: oh, great.san francisco is a really fun city.
man:how was the weather?
yumiko: well,i was there in mach,and it was pretty cwol.
most morning it was foggy.
man:did you take the right clothes?
yumico:yes,i had warm clothes,so i was fine.
womam:hey,carlos,how was phoenix?
carlos:oh,wonderful !my friend and i went out into the desert,and it was really hot and dry.
i had to keep drinking water,and in the city i had to keep goig inside air-conditioned buildings.
womam:wow,i...i didin`t realize that phoenix was that hot in june.
carlos:oh,yeah,but i hear it gets even hotter in august !
womam:relly.well,was it hot at night,too?
carlos:no , it was much coliaer.i actually had to borrow a sweater.
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elton s
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