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1.The stockade around an Iroquois village was typically hexagonal in shape, which means that it
was six-sided. It had vertical wood posts around the outside of the stockade, and these posts had
sharpened ends pointing upward for further protection.

2.A: And sometimes air currents blow drops of water in a cloud up higher into the cloud.
B: Where it’s colder, so the drops freeze into ice. Do the drops fall to the earth then?
A: Usually not just after the trip up. Usually the drops aren’t yet heavy enough to fall to the Earth.
B: So the drops rise and fall a number of times within the cloud, and each time a drop rises and
falls, it adds another layer of ice?

3. The rising air pushes against the colder air, and the rotation of the earth causes the air to spin,
in much the same way that water in a sink spins as it goes down a drain.

4.The low pressure creates a funnel in the middle of the tornado, which causes destruction by
acting much like a vacuum cleaner and sucking up whatever is in its path.

1.「these posts had sharpened ends pointing upward for further protection.」這句話要怎麼翻,我還想要文法分析,因為sharpened已經是變鋒利的意思,那point 呢?

2.「 And sometimes air currents blow drops of water in a cloud up
higher into the cloud. 」我要翻譯這句話。「Trip up」和「layer of ice」是什麼意思?

3.「The rising air pushes against the colder」怎麼翻?主要是不懂against這個介係詞的意思,有太多意思,不知道是哪一個?
「in much the same way that water in a sink spins as it goes down a drain. 」怎麼翻?「in much」在這是什麼意思,可以文法分析一下嗎?還有 as 再這又是什麼意思?

4. by acting much 的「much」我不太懂用在這裡的意思,可以文法分析一下嗎?

p.s 請大大不要用翻譯辭典查完直接複製給我,謝謝!!

2007-06-26 23:29:00 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ing 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1pointing upward 為什麼不能寫成 upward pointing ,upward 什麼詞性?
2.裡面的up是跟cloudㄇ?還是跟blow ?如果是的話, blow up就是指吹入囉?? 3主要是不懂against這個介係詞的意思,有太多意思,不知道是哪一個? 3.2 那in呢??為什麼在much前面?
4.which causes destruction by
acting much like a vacuum cleaner and sucking up whatever is in its path.
這具可以番一下ㄇ 謝謝

2007-06-27 12:46:18 · update #1

2.Where it’s colder的 where 不懂??

Usually not just after the trip up. Usually the drops aren’t yet heavy enough to fall to the Earth.
B: So the drops rise and fall a number of times within the cloud, and each time a drop rises and
falls, it adds another layer of ice?
可以翻譯一下ㄇ 謝謝

2007-06-27 12:47:25 · update #2

1 個解答

1. point 在此是動詞, 意思是"指向". 所以是"尖端朝上, 為了更加保護".
2.1 "有時, 氣流會把雲內的水滴往上吹入雲中更高處"
2.2 trip up 是剛剛所指的水滴往上"移動的行程".
2.3 layer of ice 是一層冰. "它會再增添另一層的冰"
31 "上升的空氣推向較冷的空氣".
3.2 much 是類似比較級, 強調 "same (如同)", 是"幾乎就是"
3.3. as 是如同 when
4. much 是強調 "like (像是)", 跟 3.2 類似.

2007-06-28 09:51:57 補充:
1. 動詞 point 用 +ing 來形容 sharpened ends (削尖了的端頭). upward 是副詞, 形容 pointing. 方向性的副詞大都擺在後面.
2. up 是跟 blow. "往上吹".
3. in a way, in some way 是用(照)某方式(程度); in the same way 是"就像某方式一樣"; 加上 much 是 "幾乎就很像".
英文看多了, 自然成習慣, much 就是擺這裡, 我不曉得文法上該如何解釋.
其他部分我不答了, 因為我自認我雖然英文不差, 但我不會分析文法, 我打字又慢, 就請其他人幫忙好了! Good Luck!!

2007-06-27 08:02:03 · answer #1 · answered by Leslie 7 · 0 0

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