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mucho se los agradecere..me encantan!!

2007-03-26 07:24:00 · 4 respuestas · pregunta de My 6 en Comer y beber Recetas de cocina

4 respuestas

el alguna parte del sureste asiático le llaman "lumpias", y aquí les dicen "rollitos primavera. En el centro te venden la masa ya preparada y cortada (tiendas de chinos en la calle Dolores), y el relleno son julianas muy finas de diversas verduras y vegetales.
Si pena pasa al Hong King, el restaurante, ahí son muy ambles y seguro te dicen el "secreto"

2007-03-26 08:03:52 · answer #1 · answered by CURSOR 7 · 0 0

hola, se llaman BAO BING, tengo la receta en ingles, nunca la he hecho porque la verdad no se ingles, pero espero que te sirva, yo tambien quiero aprender a hacerlos pero es dificil que en toluca, mexico encuentres todos los ingredientes:

BAO BING Fresh Spring Rolls

A favorite in the southeastern province of Fijian, these tasty roIls, made with fresh soft flour wrappers, are also known as popiah in some parts of Asia. If these are not available, try using Filipino lumpia wrappers or make very thin pancakes from a thin batter of flour, egg and water. They won't be authentic bao bing skins, but the filling is so delicious that it won't matter.

300 g (10 oz) small prawns
1 1/2 tablespoons Iard or oil
2 squares hard beancurd, shredded
250 g (8 oz) lean pork, shredded
375 g (12 oz) bamboo shoot, shredded
1 large carrot, in matchstick pieces
350 g (8 oz) round cabbage, shredded
75 g (2 1/2 oz) snow peas, shredded lengthwise 1 tablespoon very finely minced garlic
1/2 cup oysters, chopped if large (optional)
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
10-12 fresh spring roIl skins (bao bing), or lumpia wrappers
1 tablespoon blended mustard
1 tablespoon chili paste
1/2 cup very finely shredded laver seaweed
2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaf

Clean and devein prawns. Put heads and sheIls into a pan with 3 cups ofwater and simmer 10 minutes. Strain through a sieve, pressing down on the heads and sheIls to extract the maximum stock. Set aside.
Heat lard or oil and fry shredded beancurd until golden. Add pork, prawns and bamboo shoot and stir fry over moderate heat for 5 minutes. Add prawn stock, caver and simmer over very low heat for 2 hours. Add the carrot, mix and simmer another hour. Add the cabbage and cook a further 30 minutes, then put in the snow peas, garlic and oysters (ifusing). Simmer 5 minutes, then season with salt, sugar and rice wine. Ifthe mixture threatens to dry up at any time, add water, a litile at a time.
Just before the bao bing are required, spread a wrapper with mustard and chilli paste to taste. Put in 2 heaped tablespoons of the cooked mixture, draining off any liquid first. Sprink1e with a litile laver and coriander, then roIl up, tucking in the sides. Repeat until the filling is used up. Cut each bao bing crosswise into 3 or 4 pieces before serving.
Helpful hint: Japanese laver (non) can be used if Chinese varieties 'are not available. This normally comes in sheets and can easily be shredded with a sharp knife.

2007-03-26 14:51:17 · answer #2 · answered by ☆〜(ゝ。∂) 4 · 0 0

tacos chinos

lechuga orejana, jitomate, aguacate, surimi ,pechuga de pollo,pepino,zanahoria,salsa soya.
Se prepera el pollo normal en consome se desmenusa y se rayan el pepino la zanahoria y el surimi,se parteen cuadritos el jitomate y el aguacate,y se pone la lechuga y todos los ingredientes y la salsa de soya y te lo comes como taco

2007-03-26 14:50:58 · answer #3 · answered by ㋡✿ѕïЭmρяЭ✿ вЭℓℓα✿Kяmin@✿™㋡ 7 · 0 0

taquitos Ingredientes:

Manteca vegetal
1 cebolla mediana, en rebanadas
300 grs. de chile poblano
1 taza de crema agria
sal y pimienta al gusto
150 grs. de queso rallado
25 tortillas medianas y delgadas
1 lechuga mediana, picada

Manera de prepararse:

En dos cucharadas de manteca se acitrona la cebolla; se añaden los chiles, previamente asados, limpios, desvenados y cortados en rajitas.

Cuando todo este bien frito, se le agregan la crema, sal y pimienta; se deja cocer lentamente hasta que espese. Luego se añade el queso e inmediatamente se retira del fuego.

Aparte, en suficiente manteca, se frien las tortillas, doblandolas por la mitad; se escurren bien. Se les ponen las rajas con queso y luego la lechuga. Se sirven calientes.

2007-03-26 14:28:13 · answer #4 · answered by *SoLiTo* 6 · 0 0

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