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(a) 什麼是 APR? 如果按時繳款是不是就沒差?
(b) 她是想辦花旗的 AA 卡 (AA: 美國航空),因為可以累積哩程,除此之外辦花旗的信用卡有什麼好處與壞處?
(c) 信用卡繳費時可以用銀行自動扣款嗎?

2006-10-25 01:50:24 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Happy Dad 4 in 商業與財經 個人理財

2 個解答

(a)請問您指的APR是指這頁嗎=Annual Percentage Rate (APR)年利率,如果準時繳款是沒差別的(0%零利率優惠僅適用正常消費之帳款繳付方式,不含遲繳.循環利息及預借現金手續費)
(b)這要看citibank的AA(America Air-line)航空聯名信用卡的網頁才知道(上網沒查到??),但目前所知美國的信用卡優惠都蠻陽春的,累積哩程的卡就只能累積哩程,除此之外,美國大多數的銀行不會像台灣銀行業推出一大堆優惠方案(例如 刷卡幾次送玩偶或咖啡一杯的刺激消費方案)
(c)可以自動扣款的(autopay)但要填寫自動轉帳授權書,citibank才有權去扣款喔.(這點請向citibank teller或CSR線上客服人員確認哪裡可以取得授權書或是直接於信用卡application form直接勾選欄位及填寫帳號account number就好)
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay my Citi® Card bill?
There are two Citi sites where you can pay your Citi Card credit card bill.

CitibankOnline.com - You can link your checking and other retail banking accounts to your ATM/Debit Card. If you also link your Citi Card credit card to your retail banking relationship, then you can pay your bill instantly by transferring funds from checking to your credit card account. Or, you can set up a recurring transfer. The benefit of paying your bill at Citibank® Online? You can pay all your bills in one place.

CitiCards.com. You can also pay your credit card bill at www.citicards.com, which offers a quick, convenient Click-to-Pay program. By enrolling in it, you authorize your bank to make electronic payments from your checking or savings account to your Citi Card account. And, if your request to make a Click-to-Pay payment is received by 1 p.m. ET on a business day, your payment is posted to your credit card account that same business day.

Citibank deposit accounts are provided by Citibank, N.A.
Citi® Card credit cards are provided by Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.

2006-10-26 03:23:01 · answer #1 · answered by 小v 3 · 0 0

(a) APR = Annual Percentage Rate(就是年利率啦)
(b) 美國的信用卡似乎沒有什麼紅利積點,累積里程算是不錯的一項福利。
(c) 如果在美國的銀行有存款戶頭,應該是可以辦理轉帳扣款。

2006-10-25 12:47:06 · answer #2 · answered by Fantastic 7 · 0 0

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