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three boxes identical in appearance contail the following coins:
box X - 2 quarters,
box Y - 1 quarters, 2 dimes
box Z - 1 quarters, 1 dimes
if a coin drawn at random from a box selected at random is a quarter,
what is the probability that the randomly selected box contains at least one dime?




*if a coin drawn at random from a box selected at random is a quarter,
這裡的"a quarter"是代表什麼意思??是機率1/4還是25分錢??

2007-12-31 01:14:20 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 阿襪襪~ 3 in 教育與參考 其他:教育

1 個解答

three boxes identical in appearance contail the following coins:
box X - 2 quarters,
box Y - 1 quarters, 2 dimes
box Z - 1 quarters, 1 dimes
if a coin drawn at random from a box selected at random is a quarter,
what is the probability that the randomly selected box contains at least one dime?
3個相同的盒子各含(contain,不是contail)2個1/4元(quater),1個quater+2個1角, 1個quater+1角
(1)x盒: p1=1/3*1
(2)y盒: p2=1/3*1/3
(3)z盒: p3=1/3*1/2
=>取得1個quater之p=p1+p2+p3=11/18, 該盒至少1個dime之p=p2+p3
Ans:(條件機率) p=(p2+p3)/(p1+p2+p3)=5/11

2007-12-31 07:48:13 · answer #1 · answered by mathmanliu 7 · 0 0