Oi amigo, espera um pouquinhu vou ver se acho, sei onde tem trilhas sonoras, só um pouquinhu ja volto
Voltei amigo, pronto já achei pra você.
As músicas são as seguintes:
01. The Greatest Medley Ever Told - Whoopi Goldberg & The Ronelles
02. Never Should've Let You Go - Hi Five
03. Get Up Offa That Thing/Dancing In The Street - Whoopi Goldberg
And The Sisters
04. Oh Happy Day - St. Francis Choir & Ryan Toby
05. Ball Of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today) - Whoopi And
The Sisters
06. His Eye Is On The Sparrow - Tanya Blount & Lauryn Hill
07. A Deeper Love - Arethra Franklin
08. Wandering Eyes - Nuttin' Nyce
09. Pay Attention - Valeria Andrews & Ryan Toby
10. Ode To Joy - The Chapman College Choir
11. Joyful, Joyful - St. Francis Choir
12. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Whoopi Goldberg
O Download do CD completo está nesse link
Se tiver alguma dúvida sobre o download acrescente detalhes na pergunta que eu te ajudo.
2007-12-21 22:25:10
answer #1
answered by ♥ Stefany 3
Valeu Stefan. Certissimo. Socorreste o Paulinho e lhe desse um grande presente de natal. Acho até q. ele não queria tanto. Parabéns.
2007-12-22 12:52:39
answer #2
answered by garimpeiro velho 7
Vai no arco da velha que lá tem!
2007-12-22 06:27:04
answer #3
answered by Guinevere 3
logo abaixo tem o link com as letras das musicas:
01. The Greatest Medley Ever Told - Whoopi Goldberg & The Ronelles
02. Never Should've Let You Go - Hi Five
03. Get Up Offa That Thing/Dancing In The Street - Whoopi Goldberg And The Sisters
04. Oh Happy Day - St. Francis Choir & Ryan Toby
05. Ball Of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today) - Whoopi And The Sisters
06. His Eye Is On The Sparrow - Tanya Blount & Lauryn Hill
07. A Deeper Love - Arethra Franklin
08. Wandering Eyes - Nuttin' Nyce
09. Pay Attention - Valeria Andrews & Ryan Toby
10. Ode To Joy - The Chapman College Choir
11. Joyful, Joyful - St. Francis Choir
12. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Whoopi Goldberg
2007-12-22 06:26:38
answer #4
answered by Pantalaimon 6
Procure na internet
2007-12-22 06:23:36
answer #5
answered by Jackson 2