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其中一段:What gets glossed over sometimes amid the ubiquitous images of dancing beagles is that the strip routinely dealt head-on with emotional issres like angst and humiliation.
請問 1)句子開頭的What代表什麼?
另:Schulz had the ability to lose himself in his art. And Schulz would refer to times that he was rude to autograph seekers as his "Lucy moments"
請問句子中的refer to 是什麼意思?後面的time為什麼是複數?

2007-12-17 16:30:32 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 珊珊 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答


原文是對知名漫畫"Snoopy"作者Charles Schulz的一篇報導. 個人並非史奴比粉絲, 僅就所知提供參考, 如有謬誤, 尚請包涵.

What gets glossed over sometimes amid the ubiquitous images of dancing beagles is that the strip routinely dealt head on with emotional issues like angst and humiliation.
這部漫畫總是直接針對憂慮, 羞辱等情緒上的主題來探討, 但是這個特質偶爾會被史奴比充滿可愛快樂的形象所掩蓋.

這個句子的核心結構其實很簡單, 與底下這句相同:
Tom(主詞S) is(動詞V) a student(主詞補語SC).

只是原句的主詞和主詞補語用的都是名詞子句, 所以看起來比較複雜一點:

1. [Tom]==[What gets glossed over sometimes amid the ubiquitous images of dancing beagles]
S: [what], 有人叫它"複合關係代名詞", 是連接詞的一種.
V: [gets](變得..., 被...), 後面接形容詞來說明主詞的狀況.
SC: [glossed over](掩蓋在光亮的表面之下), 過去分詞轉為形容詞.
[amid]: 在...之中(介系詞)
[the ubiquitous images of dancing beagles]: 隨處可見的小獵犬(應該就是指"史奴比")舞動的形象

*這個[what]代表的就是[that the strip ...]這個名詞子句. 用簡單的例子說明如下:
[What is in the box] is a toy.

2. [a student]==[that the strip routinely dealt head on with emotional issues like angst and humiliation]
[that]: 連接詞, 引導名詞子句.
S: [the strip]
V: [dealt with], routinely(副詞)以及[head-on]("直接")(副詞片語)修飾動詞.
[emotional issues]: 受詞
[like angst and humiliation]: 介系詞片語, 修飾受詞.

Schulz had the ability to lose himself in his art. And Schulz would refer to times that he was rude to autograph seekers as his "Lucy moments."
舒茲頗能沉浸於自己的作品當中. 好幾次舒茲對索取簽名的粉絲做出粗魯的舉動, 他戲稱那些場合自己"糗態畢露".

[refer to XXX as YYY]: 把XXX說成是YYY.
XXX= [times that he ... seekers], [times]用複數, 代表很多次的"場合".

如果對[Lucy moments]有興趣, 可以參考:



2007-12-20 07:57:00 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

1. What 是代詞因為要表達的東西太長了 (that the strip routinely........humiliation). 也可以說 The fact (presentation, concept) of the strip routinely dealing....humiliation gets glossed over....

2. refer to = 談及 or 把那些時光 (= those periods of time, those days, 不是講時間(單數))叫做

2007-12-19 04:31:54 · answer #2 · answered by kychiang 3 · 0 0

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