Warning signs
Given the prevalence of suicide risk factors in the population and the low base rate for suicide deaths, attention has been turned to identifying warning signs of suicide above and beyond risk factors. To help define the difference between risk factors and warning signs, the American Association of Suicidology developed a mnemonic ‘Is path warm?’ to help identify key warning signs. Simply having undergraduate psychology majors read the list of warning signs has been shown to effectively increase their ability to recognize suicide crises without creating or magnifying stigma.
Protective factors
While the absence of risk factors may be viewed as protective, some evidence supports key relationships in a positive social context as also being protective. Strong peer relationships have repeatedly been noted as protective factors in adolescents. For boys with a history of prior suicide attempts, school relations seem to protect against suicide, even when peer relations were poor, yet family relations are the strongest protective factor
2007-11-18 21:27:08 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 ➔ 語言
比如國人流行自殺因素及低死亡率,使得自殺徵兆已超過危險因素普遍受到重視,如何區分此二項,美國自殺協會提出以每個英文單字字首易懂的 Is path warm?《路途是否平順?》的徵兆來區分,在大學主修心理學學生由於此徵兆更增加他們對自殺危機的瞭解
2007-11-19 06:36:42 · answer #1 · answered by 呆子 7 · 0⤊ 0⤋