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Expand the pie—賣方提供新技術給買方發展新產品,使買方營業額增加而下給賣方的訂單也增加。
Cost cut—賣方為了提供較低的售價給買方而降低成本,使自己更具市場的競爭力。
Offer nonspecific compensation—讓一方達成目標,換取另一方的回報。
談判的要點可分為掌握談判主題, Give and take, 自我推銷, 誠懇協商, 提出對方缺失。
談判主題是指不要捨本逐末, 雙贏—來日方長,不要趕盡殺絕。Give and take是指犧牲次要,換取主要。自我推銷是指讓對手感覺值得接受你的要求。誠懇協商是指不做敵對性批評,並尋求雙方可以接受的方案。提出對方缺失是指雞蛋裡挑骨頭。

2007-11-09 02:47:55 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 EVA 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

method for negotiation:
Expand the pie—賣方提供新技術給買方發展新產品,使買方營業額增加而下給賣方的訂單也增加。
Expand the pie—salers provide new technology to buyers in order to innovate new products. the purpose for this terms is to increase the profit for buyers ,meanwhile the salers also can get more purchase order.
Logroll—this method is to focus on the primary problem and not handle the secondary problem temporarily.
Cost cut—賣方為了提供較低的售價給買方而降低成本,使自己更具市場的競爭力。

Cost cut—salers provide the buyers at minimun price .it can cause the buyers to be more competitive in the domestic market.
Bridge—the case can be accepted by both side through communication.
Offer nonspecific compensation—讓一方達成目標,換取另一方的回報。
Offer nonspecific compensation— let one side to achieve the goal is to get the response from another.
談判的要點可分為掌握談判主題, Give and take, 自我推銷, 誠懇協商, 提出對方缺失。
the major point for negotiation is to deeply understand the topic ,like Give and take,self-promotion, honest manner, search faults.
談判主題是指不要捨本逐末, 雙贏—來日方長,不要趕盡殺絕。Give and take是指犧牲次要,換取主要。自我推銷是指讓對手感覺值得接受你的要求。誠懇協商是指不做敵對性批評,並尋求雙方可以接受的方案。提出對方缺失是指雞蛋裡挑骨頭。
win-win is the important policy and ignore the meaningless details. Give and take is to discard the secondary things and pursuit the primiry one. self-promotion is to persuade someone to accept your requirement. honest manner is not to criticize someone and find the way out for both side. search faults is to point out the problem to be solved . *****

2007-11-09 04:35:04 · answer #1 · answered by 呆子 7 · 0 0

Expand the pie-Seller provides new technology to the buyer to support the buyer in the course of developing new products . By creating more profit to the buyer ,the seller at the same time can bring in more orders to their own .
Logroll-prioritize the problems ,solve the urgent problem first and the less urgent one later .
Cost cut-Seller lower the sales price for the buyer to save some cost on the product .Doing so ,the seller can be more competitive on the market .
Bridge-Bring up a new proposal which is acceptable to both sides ( by communicating and discussing ).
Offer nonspecific compensation - let one party to reaches their goal , and leave rewards to another party as in return .
The key strategy in negotiation include sticking onto the subject ,give and take,promote yourself ,express sincere communication,pin point their flaws .Prevent getting away from the main idea of the subject of the negotiation . win win can bring advantage to both sides .Don't push the other to the edge .Give and take means give up the monors to attain the majors . Promoting yourself means to make your idea acceptable by the other . Sincere communication means do not create any rivary criticism ,make room for bilatral agreement .Pin pointing the other's flaws means to pick some bone on the other's idea .

2007-11-09 06:22:05 · answer #2 · answered by Little Monkey 2 · 0 0

There are many negotiate methods:

1. Expand the pie—seller provides new technique to buyer to develop new products. Once buyer increase the business volume, their order to seller will be increased.

2. Logroll—Leave minor question aside and solve important question first.

3. Cost cut—In order to get more power in competitive market, seller offers lower price to buyer and help them to decrease the cost.

4. Bridge—Bring up new ideas and both seller and buyer are acceptable. (communicate or coordinate)

5. Offer nonspecific compensation—one side reach the target and other s
ide get in return.

Negotiate points have control the topic, give and take, promotion by myself communicate sincere and bring fault of each other.

The control the topic is meaning that does not concentrate on details but forget the main purpose. We should try to get double win and do not spare none. Five and take is meaning that we should sacrifice secondary to exchange main. Promotion by me is mainly to win over the trust of opponent. Communicate sincere is meaning to get an acceptable idea to both sides and do not judge. And bring fault is meaning to find fault on purpose

2007-11-09 04:59:11 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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