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He has money as much as you.(參考書寫的)
He has as much money as you.

問題(二): 以下的那個句子才對 ?
1. I have books as many as you.
2. I have as many books as you.

A polar bear can weigh as much as 1500 pounds.
為什麼要用 as much as? 1500pounds不是可數的嗎?

問題(四):可否教我 as much as的用法?
    有沒有 as many as的用法,請順便教我?  謝謝

2007-09-06 22:33:26 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 candy 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

He has money as much as you
= He has as much money as you.

1. I have books as many as you.
= I have as many books as you.

A polar bear can weigh as much as 1500 pounds.
In this sentence, ‘as much as’ is used as an adverb to modify the sentence verb ‘weigh’. ‘as many as’ isn’t used adverbially. More examples:

How much do you weigh?
How many pounds do you weigh?
Grandfather claimed to have as many medals as the general. (Longmans)
There weren't as many people at the meeting as we had hoped. (Longmans)
As many as 10,000 civilians are thought to have fled the area. (Longmans)

2007-09-06 22:56:26 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0


[as ... as ...]是用於"原級比較"的片語(相對於"比較級"與"最高級"), 可以是"形容詞"或"副詞"的比較.
用於形容詞(many/much), 盡量保持原句的排列; 用於副詞(much), 多半置後.

He has much money.
He has as much money as you (have). (形)
*括號中的字表示原來應該寫出來的字, 常被省略.

He exercises much.
He exercises as much as you (do). (副)

I have many books.
I have as many books as you (do).

[weigh]: 有(多少)重量, 動詞. 修飾動詞用"副詞", "(很)重". 這裡的"很", 就是[much]. 與"可不可數"無關.
Thank you very much.

A polar bear can weigh much.
A polar bear can weigh as much as 1500 pounds (weighs).

以上說的是肯定, 若是否定, 常用[not so ... as ...]
I don't have so many friends as you (do). (形)
She didn't eat so much as Tom (did). (副)

其實, 這個片語的主架構是[as...as...], 所以兩個[as]之間也可以用其他的修飾語.
I used to walk as quickly as you do now. (副)
The weather is not so cold as it was last year. (形)
*以上的後半句都沒有省略, 因為前後的時間狀態不同.

2007-09-08 06:49:51 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

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