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這是2007.07.25的 Taipei Times

1.新聞Title :Americans trust congress over Bush

Most of the U.S sees President George W. Bush as too inflexible on the war in Iraq and perfers that the Democratic-run Congress have the final word on when to withdraw U.S forces................

『the Democratic-run Congress have the final word on when to withdraw U.S forces.』

3.還有就是『Final word』,什麼意思啊?

4.另外就是文法的問題,『on when to withdraw U.S forces.』
怪怪的,介係詞不是接V-ing 或者N.嗎? 怎麼接了這個When ,然後When怎麼後面又接個to(不定詞)???文法根本沒看過這種用法呀~~~~~~~

2007-08-28 13:55:11 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

1. Americans trust congress over Bush
over這個介係詞在此做more than解釋。你要明白一點,報紙或媒體的標題(headline)通常不是完整的句子,在表達上也常會有誇張或聳動的意圖。than的用法本身就是介係詞,也是連接詞,用來比較前後的不同。要注意的是,在此over=more than,前後的用語文法結構要相同。在這個標題中,Congress與Bush都是名詞,也都是trust的受詞。
2. the Democratic-run Congress have the final word on when to withdraw U.S forces這一整句,是that引導的名詞子句,做prefer的受詞。
democratic-run指的是民主黨「主導的」Congress(另有主控的、主持的、擁有的意思);類似的用法也常見於China Post,例如你可以在http://www.chinapost.com.tw/查到KMT-run newspaper(國民黨經營、偏國民黨的報紙)。目前美國參議院和眾議院都是民主黨當家,這讓共和黨的布希成為名副其實的跛腳鴨(lame duck)。
3. Final word參考the last/final word (on sth)的用法,原義是the last comment or decision about sth,也就是最後的評論或決策權。上面提到,因為國會被民主黨掌握,即使美國是總統制的國家,但是行政、立法與司法三者的權利事實上是互相箝制的。所以說when to withdraw U.S. forces(駐伊美軍撤軍)這檔事,是操之在Congress的手中,而非Bush可以主導的。
4. 還是回到剛剛講的用法,the final/last word on sth。when to witdraw U.S. forces在此就是上述用法中sth扮演的角色,是受詞,也是名詞的作用,接在on這個介係詞後面,一點也不會奇怪。你還可以把它當成主詞,造個例句:
When to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq currently raised a wide-ranging debate in the states.
The major concern the Bush Administration has to worry about now is not how many troops it should withdraw, but when to withdraw the America GIs.

2007-08-28 16:17:40 · answer #1 · answered by 兩個孩的爸 5 · 0 0

1."over" here maybe means "more than" ( I guess.)

2.Democratic-run 譯為"民主黨所左右的" 如何 ?
  run 應該是過去分詞,作形容詞用. 似 dominated

3.final word 應該是 making a decision

4. when to withdraw U.S. forces 是 名詞片語,當然可以當介詞 on 的  受詞. 疑問詞連不定詞在文法定義上就叫”名詞片語.

2007-08-28 15:24:18 · answer #2 · answered by 憬然 4 · 0 0

1.新聞Title :Americans trust congress over Bush

民主黨把持的 。

3.還有就是『Final word』,什麼意思啊?
最後的定奪、權力、影響力等 (因為是被民主黨把持的) 。

4.另外就是文法的問題,『on when to withdraw U.S forces.』
文法很正常,沒有問題。have the final word on this issue. (this issue = when to withdraw U.S forces) 在這個問題上有最後的決定權(影響力) (這個問題 = 何時撤兵)

2007-08-28 15:08:17 · answer #3 · answered by travelpa 7 · 0 0

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