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She sat there, deep in thought.

這句中的deep in thought. 是什麼結構? 我實在看不出來問何能這樣用? 只用","隔開2句?


2007-08-12 04:42:29 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答



[thought]: 思維;思考,考慮

[in thought]: 沉浸(陷入)思緒當中
可以當形容詞來修飾人: She was in thought. (當"主詞補語") "was in thought"&hl=zh-TW&ct=clnk&cd=10&gl=tw

也可以當副詞來修飾形容詞, 副詞, 或動詞: She was lost in thought. " lost in thought"&hl=zh-TW&ct=clnk&cd=5&gl=tw

所以[deep in thought]: 深陷思緒當中; 出神
這裡的deep是副詞, 但並不是修飾動詞sat, 而是修飾形容詞片語[in thought], 而[in thought]是當"主詞補語", 主詞是she.

She sat there, and she was deep in thought.

She sat there, being deep in thought.

而分詞形態的[being]通常可以省略, 就成了您的句子:
She sat there, deep in thought.

而這個分詞片語[deep in thought]是形容詞的性質(修飾she, 不是動詞sat), 可以有不同的擺放位置:
Deep in thought, she sat there.
She, deep in thought, sat there.

當然, 因為[She sat there]已經是一個完整的句子, 之後又有個逗號, 所以您也可以把[deep in thought]視為一個插入語, 用途是補充說明.

*[deep]如果是形容動詞, 通常兩者之間會有較強的關連性:
He tends to see deep [into the future]. (洞察[未來])
We should always think deep [in advance]. ([事前]深思)
Still waters run deep.
括號的部分如果刪去(像第三句那樣), 對整體語意影響不大, 但是本題的句型如果考慮為修飾動詞:
She sat deep [in thought]. (深深地坐?)
語意不盡恰當([sit deep]通常用來表達具體的"動作"), 而且把括號的部分如果刪去後, 幾乎無法表達原意.
但是在下列的句子中, deep與片語的關連性較強(就像本題的[deep in thought]):
He took the boy deep into the forest.
[into the forest]是副詞片語, 修飾動詞took.

*個人意見, 敬請指教.

2007-08-12 12:29:22 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

She sat there, deep in thought.
這句中的deep in thought. 是什麼結構? 我實在看不出來問何能這樣用? 只用","隔開2句?
本句是第一句型 S + Vi
She 主詞
sat 不及物動詞。
there 副詞
deep in thought 副詞片語 [深思」的意思。
there 和 deep in thoguht 是副詞,當修飾語 M 。
所以本句是第一句型。S + Vi.
要注意的是 這裡的 deep 絕對不是形容詞,許多人把它當形容詞來解釋是錯誤的。
deep 是副詞 ,中譯「深深地」。
例: Still waters run deep. 靜水流深。
He took the boy deep into the forest. 他帶著小孩深入森林。
I sat up deep into the night watching TV.

2007-08-12 09:32:55 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

She sat there, deep in thought= She sat there and deep in thought=She sat there .She sat deep in thought這三個子句是一樣的,只是以標點符號做區隔,She sat there, deep in thought這種語句是以逗點將二個詞性相同的做一連接,there 與 deep in thought 詞性同屬副詞,用來修飾動詞 sat,建議您參考文法書籍標點符號運用,可學到更多的用法-------

2007-08-12 05:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by 呆子 7 · 0 0

She sat there, deep in thought.
因該是算片語吧~意思就好像 stay at home 為什麼用at這樣
因為就只能用at 也沒人用 stay in home 就把他記住就可以了
隔開兩句中間那個逗號 代表and 只是省略改成逗號

2007-08-12 05:19:49 · answer #4 · answered by 知識就是力量 7 · 0 0

She sat there, deep in thought. = She sat there, and she was deep in thought. = She sat there, and she was thinking about something deeply.
deep in thought 在這裡, 應該類似補語, 有點類似副詞的功能, 修飾前面 sat 這個動作的狀態
We sat there, catching our breath, both silently pondering the horror of possibly rolling onto the renegade dinglepear in the night.
We sat there.
We caught our breath.
We both silently pondered the horror of possibly rolling onto the renegade dinglepear in the light.

將數個句子合併成單一句子, 會顯得比較有力量哦!

2007-08-12 05:12:42 · answer #5 · answered by 世賢 7 · 0 0

因為deep in thought是補充 他告訴你 她坐在那然後在沉思 因為在沉思是補充 所以他可以用一個,隔開兩句

因為deep in thought是補充

2007-08-12 05:05:03 · answer #6 · answered by 柏諺 1 · 0 0

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