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ex: The boy drew pictures of people at an airport who were waiting for their planes. 謝謝

2007-08-02 07:52:00 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ERIC 2 in 社會與文化 語言


2007-08-02 08:20:50 · update #1

no !! i am asking about another pattern of adjective clause.

2007-08-02 08:46:41 · update #2

in this sentence, the relative pronoun is not immediately following the noun that it modifys.

2007-08-02 08:55:42 · update #3

sorry!! i typed it too fast !! it shall be "modifies"

2007-08-02 08:59:08 · update #4

the sentence "The boy drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes at an airport." is wrong. = The boy drew pictures at an airport. unequal " people at an airport " it means the boy was at an airport. not peopole.

2007-08-02 10:48:14 · update #5

"The boy drew pictures of people at an airport who were waiting for their planes." it means that the boy was not at an airport but the people in the pictures were waiting for their planes at an airport.

2007-08-02 10:48:25 · update #6

"只要不會引起讀者誤解, 子句一般是放置於修飾語之後:" 怎樣的誤解??

2007-08-03 21:03:33 · update #7

"The boy drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes at an airport.
其實也可以, 尚不至於誤解. [at an airport]離[the boy]太遠了, 一般不會優先把它們聯想在一起." Pasadena City College 的老師說這是錯的!! 為什麼您說也可以?? 可以請您解釋給我聽嗎?? 謝謝您的幫忙!! 

2007-08-03 21:09:09 · update #8

我也想問 但是現在是暑假!! 所以只能問您這位專家ㄌ!!

2007-08-04 22:42:29 · update #9


My favorite restaurant for dim sum, named "888 seafood", is located on Valley Blvd. in San Gabrel.

My favorite restaurant, named "888 Seafood", for dim sum is located on Valley Blvd. in San Gabrel.

2007-08-04 22:46:22 · update #10


I have many friends of whom I knew some in the us before coming here.

I have many friends in the us whom I knew some of before coming here.

I have many friends whom I knew some of in the us before coming here.


2007-08-04 22:49:03 · update #11

第一題正確的答案 是 1
第二題正確答案是 2

2007-08-04 22:54:36 · update #12

最後一個問題!! 所以關西代名詞不一定要接在它所修飾的詞的正後面!! 有很多種情況都可以這樣嗎??(可以請您舉一兩個例子給我嗎)?? 還是只有介係詞片語後 關西代名詞 可以不用緊接著它所修飾的詞的正後面??

2007-08-05 11:43:11 · update #13


2007-08-05 11:43:23 · update #14

2 個解答


修飾語有一個很重要的原則是: 儘量靠近所修飾的標的. 但是也有不得已的時候.

當關係代名詞所引導的形容詞子句所修飾的先行詞同時還有其他的修飾語(如本題的片語)時, 只要不會引起讀者誤解, 子句一般是放置於修飾語之後:
The boy drew pictures of people at an airport who were waiting for their planes.

The boy drew pictures of people who were at an airport waiting for their planes.

The boy drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes at an airport.
其實也可以, 尚不至於誤解. [at an airport]離[the boy]太遠了, 一般不會優先把它們聯想在一起.

至於您所說的狀況, 應該是寫成:
The boy at an airport drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes.
At an airport the boy drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes.

2007-08-04 08:53:42 補充:

文意的誤解. 就如您所說的, 寫法不同, 本來是[people at an airport]可能被解讀為[the boy at an airport].

2007-08-04 08:54:24 補充:
The boy drew pictures of people who were waiting for their planes at an airport.
修飾語要儘量靠近所修飾的標的, 反過來說, 我們會把最靠近標的修飾語跟標的聯想在一起(當然還是要以合理的文意為主).

2007-08-04 08:54:32 補充:
這句裡[at an airport]靠[planes]最近, 理應修飾[planes]. 與原句語意稍有不同, 但並非天差地別. 當然最好還是:
The boy drew pictures of people who were waiting at an airport for their planes.

2007-08-04 09:01:23 補充:
如果您的老師是道地的美國人, 當然要尊重他的說法, 畢竟這是人家的母語. 不過如果您身處國外的環境, 應該有很多機會可以請教別的具有一定語文水準的美國人的看法. 畢竟老師有時也會有疏漏之處, 中外皆然.

2007-08-05 09:08:31 補充:
(一): 就文法而言, 兩句都對. 但是要注意的是, 以逗號分隔開的[named "888 seafood]稱為"插入語", 是補充說明之用, 拿掉之後兩句完全相同. 現在就看您要用它"說明"什麼. 如果是[我最喜歡的餐館]就用2, 如果是[我最喜歡的點心餐館]就是1. 就常理而言, 應該選1.

2007-08-05 09:08:49 補充:
I have many friends of whom I knew some in the us before coming here.
[of whom]通常用於表示所有格(=whose), 這裡的用法應該用受格, 當成[some of]的受詞.
我有很多美國友人, 其中有一些是我來到這兒之前就已經認的.
我有很多朋友, 其中有一些美國友人是我來到這兒之前就已經認的.
雖然也說得通, 卻沒有第貳句自然.

2007-08-05 21:53:56 補充:
關係代名詞不一定要接在它所修飾的詞的正後面, 很多種情況都可以這樣, 不一定只有介係詞片語.
I have something [interesting] (that) I have to tell you. (單純形容詞)
This is exactly the project [going on] which means a lot to me. (分詞片語)
I once heard a story [told by my father] that really touched my heart. (分詞片語)

2007-08-05 21:54:06 補充:
It is the only book [(that) I know] that is valuable to both teachers and students.

2007-08-03 18:58:42 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0



2014-06-23 15:49:51 · answer #2 · answered by WSFAHMZMTNTY 1 · 0 0

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