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1. ___ ,we all went home for dinner.

==> 虛線裡的答案是「Work done」,請問為什麼不是「Work having been done」呢??

2007-07-16 07:29:30 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 3 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答


從您的問題看來, 您應該已經對分詞構句的基本原則有一定的瞭解(如果不是, 那speechless大大的整理結果非常值得您參考). 您的說法是對的. 要檢視對於分詞構句是否有清楚的瞭解, 就看是否能把它還原為恰當的原始形態.


Since work had been done, we went home for dinner.
工作既已完成, 我們打道回府吃晚餐.

為何不用after或when, 而用since?

通常描述一件事情(A)發生後, 緊接著發生另外一件事情(B), 兩者皆用過去式:
After he sat down, he saw the key on the desk.
(After) Sitting down, he saw the key on the desk.

但是如果A需要若干時間才能完成, 或要強調A與B的先後關係, 則A宜用過去完成式:
After he had completed the the project, he went out of the office.
(After) Having completed the project, he went out of the office.
When she had finished reading the letter, she finally knew the truth.
(When) Having finished reading the letter, she finally knew the truth.

After the book had been finished, the author was paid quite a fortune.
The book having been finished, the author was paid quite a fortune.

假使不須要強調A與B的先後關係, 或者沒有語意表達上的特殊需求, 那這種被動語態的分詞裡[having been]是可以省略的, 而只留下過去分詞:
Because the tickets had been sold out, they headed home disappointedly.
The tickets having been sold out, they headed home disappointedly.
The tickets sold out, they headed home disappointedly.

After work had been done, we went home for dinner.
(After) Work having been done, we went home for dinner.
依上述原則, 並不宜(但並不是絕對不行)改為:
Work done, we went home for dinner.
因此在下認為用since表示不強調兩者的先後關係, 省略後較不影響原句的語意.
(場景類似一隊後援人馬趕到之後, 卻發現工作已然完成, 無用武之地, 索性打道回府...)

關於賤兔大大的說法, 在下的意見是:

基本上是正確的, 但是並非"絕對不能"用完成式. 例如:

I have finished the job.
I finished the job two days ago.

I have finished the job for two days. (X)


He had died before you arrived two days ago.
He died three days ago.

He had died for 3 days. (X)

He has been dead for 3 days. (文法沒錯)
如果是三個月, 三年, 就比較常用(時間長).

這種屬性的動詞, 個人喜歡稱之為[瞬間動詞]. 像leave, arrive,...都是.

2007-07-16 20:40:09 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

Concur with 賤兔!

2007-07-16 16:45:49 · answer #2 · answered by 狐狸 6 · 0 0



1. 如果副詞子句的主詞和主要子句的主詞相同時,可以去掉副詞子句的主詞。





4.「否定」not 放在分詞之前。

a. 表示「時間」的分詞構句 :

ex : After cleaning the kitchen(= After she cleaned the room), she read the newspaper.

Compared with Sam(= When you are compared with Tom), you are better.

Having done her work(= After she had done her work), she went to the movies.

b. 表示「原因」或「理由」的分詞構句 :

ex : Not knowing where to go, she just stayed at home.

= Because she didn't where to go, she just stayed at home.

Being a good student, he is liked by all the teachers.

= As he is a good student, he is liked by all the teachers.

c. 表「條件」的分詞構句 :

ex : Having enough money, I will buy a new house.

= If I have enough moeny, I will buy a new house.

Turning to the right, you will find the book store.

= If you turn to the right, you will find the book store.

d. 表「讓步」的分詞構句 :

Being sick, she still went to schoo.

= Although she was sick, she still went to school.

Admitting what you say, I still think that you are wrong.

= Though I admit whay you say, I still think that you are wrong.

e. 表「連續或附帶狀態」的分詞構句 :

ex : She sat on the chair, listening to music.

= She sat on the chair and listened to music.

Mary stood there, waiting for her.

= Mary stood there and waited for her.

g. 獨立分詞構句 : 分詞構句的主詞需保留,因為和主要子句的主詞不同。

ex : It being a sunny day tomorrow, we will go hiking.

= If it is a sunny day tomorrow, we will go hiking.

The moon having risen, we put out the light.

= The moon has risen, we put out the light.

h. 沒有主詞的獨立分詞構句 :

ex : Generally speaking, he is a good doctor.

= We generally speaking 或 people generally speaking的主詞 we 或 people通常被





"主動用V-ing<進行式> , 被動用pp<完成式> "


2007-07-16 09:21:36 · answer #3 · answered by 〥speechless〥 3 · 0 0


原句=After work got (was) done, we went home for dinner.

2007-07-16 07:37:09 · answer #4 · answered by 史迪興 2 · 0 0

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