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請幫忙翻譯一下~@ @
E’ un unove composto di materie prime d’avanguardia che
Permattono la risturtturazione istantanea dei capelli.L’elevato
Potere emolliente facilita la pettinatura e l’asciugatura a phon,
Rende I capelli lucidi e sofficl. Particolarmente indicato prima e
dopo qualsiasi trattamento.MODO D’USO :Vaporizzare dopo lo
shampoo su capelli umidi,delicatamente tamponatl;massaggiare
e pettinare I capelli per una omogenea distrlbuzione.Risciacquard rigorosamente.

It’s a new compound of advanced raw materials allowing the
instant hair reconditioning. Its high emollient properties help the
Hairdressing and the hairdrying,making hair soft and shing.
HOW TO USE:use, after the shampoo, on damp hair. Spray
moderately theproduct,then massage and comb hair for an
equal distrlbution Rinse abundabtly.

Despues del champu aplicar la mascarilaNELLY para cabellos tenidos,
Decolorados o permanent-tados.Su formula con siliconas, proteirmula con siliconas,
Proteinas de trigo y vitamina E pentra inmediatamente en el cabello aportandole volumen, brillo y suayidad a la vez que prottegge y prolonga la duracion del color]
Por su accion antioxidante. Su filtro solar protégé al cabello de las radiaciones
UVA y UVB. Dejar actuar unos minutos y aclarar cuidadosamennte.

After shampooing, apply the NELLYmask for coloured,bleached and permed hair.
The formula with silicones, wheat protein and vitamin E penetrates the hair
Immediately,adding volume, gloss and softness while protecting the colour and making it last longer due to the anttioxidantt action,
Nelly’ s mask sun filter protects the hair from UVA and UVB rays. Leave on for a
few minutes and rinse thoroughly.


2007-06-22 09:17:43 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 小亭 2 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答


使用建議:洗髪後,使用nelly mask在染/燙/bleached的頭髪上。
Nelly's mask sun filter(陽光過濾功能) 保護你的頭髪防止紫外線傷害,使用幾分鐘後再用水仔細沖洗掉。


2007-06-22 17:51:21 補充:
樓下的翻的比較好 :)

2007-06-22 09:47:26 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

(我翻英文的部分, 非英文的部分意思一樣, 就如同 kievew 在意見欄說的)

這是一種先進的原始材料的新合成物, 讓頭髮可以快速修護整理.
它的高軟化特性使得做髮及吹乾都很方便, 也讓頭髮柔軟及光彩.
如何使用(使用方法): 洗完頭後, 頭髮還濕時, 噴灑適量此產品,
然後, 按摩及用梳子梳理, 使產品平均分散於髮間.
最後, 用大量的水沖洗頭髮.

對於染色(變色或減色)後或燙過後的頭髮, 在洗完頭髮後, 可使用 NELLYmask.
它的成份配方含矽氧烷, 小麥蛋白, 及維生素 E, 可迅速深入髮中,
增加鬆度, 色澤, 還有柔軟度, 並且, 由於它的抗氧化作用,
另外, Nelly's mask sun filter 可以保護頭髮阻隔 A, B 紫外線.
使用時, 讓它留在髮上數分鐘後, 再徹底沖掉.


2007-06-22 14:30:34 補充:
我在 post 後, 發現 omygodde 已經回答了. 他(她)翻得較順暢, 我投她(他)一票.

2007-06-22 10:27:31 · answer #2 · answered by Leslie 7 · 0 0


2007-06-22 09:32:01 · answer #3 · answered by Kieve 6 · 0 0

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