墨西哥市一個多樣化的國家,不論是景色或文化˙ 在墨西哥北部,你可以看到沙丘.仙人掌和崎嶇的山,但是大部分的人對白色的沙灘比較有興趣˙在環繞墨西哥的海洋里,你可以看到世界第2大的珊瑚礁.鯨魚和海豚,並盡情享受浮潛的樂趣˙如果你喜歡森林和湖泊,那你絕不可錯過墨西哥中部˙在南部,你可以看到美麗的瀑布和墨西哥的最高峰˙在文化方面,西班牙對於墨西哥有很大的影響,可以從許多古老的建築物和對鬥牛的熱愛中得知˙在5月5日慶祝五月節這個節日,則是受到了法國的影響˙在中部,你可以看到世界第三大的金字塔˙在南部,遊客可以探索有1400年歷史的宮殿˙因此到墨西哥旅遊,不只可以欣賞到美麗的風景,更可以體驗墨西哥多元的文化˙
2007-06-17 23:47:58 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 立勛 1 in 社會與文化 ➔ 語言
A diversified country of one Mexico, no matter scenery or the culture is in the north of Mexico, you can see sand dune . The cactus and rugged mountain, but the sandy beach of the dialogue color of most persons is more interested in surrounding the ocean of Mexico, you can see the coral reef of the 2nd largest in world . Whale and dolphin, and enjoy floating and sneaking heartily if you like the forest and lake, then you can't miss in the south in the middle part of Mexico definitely, you can see that the beautiful waterfall and the highest peak of Mexico are in culture , Spain have heavy influence very to Mexico, can learn from a lot of old building and love in corrida that celebrate this festival of the Dragon Boat Festival on May 5, been influenced by France in the middle part, you can see that the third largest of the Pyramid of world is in the south , visitors can explore that the palace with history of 1400 length of service travels to Mexico , can not merely appreciate the beautiful scenery , can experience Mexico's plural culture even more
2007-06-19 00:01:52 · answer #1 · answered by Ian 4 · 0⤊ 0⤋
mexico is a colorful country with a lot of scenery and culture. at the north of mexico the sandy hills ,cactus and steep mountain spread over the terrain. most people are interesting in the sandy beach. the surrounding sea is full of coral reef which is the second large of the world ,whale and dolphin . why do'nt you enjoy floating right here ?
if you like woods and lakes , you should step forward to the center of mexico . at the south fo mexico you better take a look at the beautiful falling spring and the top mountain of this country. as for the culture, Spain cause a big influence on mexico . you can realize from the old building and people are enthusiastic about the sanfermines. they celebrate the festival on MAY 5 . it means that they are deeply affected by France. at the center of mexico you can see the third largest pyramid of the world. at the south of mexico tourist can explore the temple with 1000 history. welcome to mexico. not only you can see the beautiful scenery ,but also you will deeply understand the multiple culture of this country. ****
2007-06-20 03:21:06 補充:
請以 central 替代 center ****
2007-06-18 07:04:12 · answer #2 · answered by 呆子 7 · 0⤊ 0⤋
Mexico is a diversified country of its scenery and culture. Sandy hills, cactus and rugged mountains filled the northern part of Mexico however most people prefers and more interested in white sandy beaches.
Mexico is also a country surrounded by ocean, with the second largest coral reef, wheals and dolphins; its the best place for snorkeling. If you like forests and lakes, don’t miss out the central Mexico.
Down in southern Mexico where you can find the beautiful water fall and the highest mountain peak of Mexico. Speaking of culture, Spanish has great influence on Mexico in its ancient architectures and the love of bull fights.
Cinco De Mayo(鬥牛節的正確寫法)festival is the holiday influenced by the French people. World’s third largest pyramid is located right down to the central Mexico. For over 14 centuries old palace is the place where you can explore right down south of Mexico. Therefore, traveling to the Mexico isn’t only about enjoying the beautiful sceneries but also experience the diversified Mexican culture.
2007-06-18 09:38:53 補充:
Mexico is a country with varieties = 墨西哥是個很有選擇性的國家
Desert 是指沙漠,而作者要的是沙丘 = Sandy hills
Torturous -> torture = 痛苦、折磨,所以崎嶇應該要用 rugged 來代替會比較通順喔!
white sand beach = 這是中文直接翻譯的嘛!?
應該是 white sandy beaches吧!
2007-06-18 09:44:07 補充:
2007-06-18 05:33:20 · answer #3 · answered by 夜 3 · 0⤊ 0⤋
Mexico is a country with varieties, whether in scenery or culture. In Northern Mexico, you could see desert, cactus and torturous mountains, even though most people are interested in white sand beach more. In the surrounding oceans in Mexico, you could see the second largest coral reef in the world, whales and dolphins, and enjoy yourself in scuba-diving. If you like forests and lakes, then you cannot miss central Mexico. In the south, you could view beautiful waterfalls and the highest peak in Mexico.
In terms of the culture, Mexico is deeply influenced by the Spainish. This is hinted from many ancient buildings and the love to bull-fighting.. The festival to celebrate the fifth month of the year, on the fifth of May, on the other hand, is influenced by the French.
In central Mexico, you can see the world's third largest pyrimid. In the south, visitors can explore palaces with 1400 years' history.
Visiting Mexico is not just for enjoying the beautiful sceneries, it is also for experience the diversified Mesican culture.
2007-06-18 03:18:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0⤊ 0⤋
A diversified country of one Mexico, no matter scenery or the culture is in the north of Mexico, you can see sand dune . The cactus and rugged mountain, but the sandy beach of the dialogue color of most persons is more interested in surrounding the ocean of Mexico, you can see the coral reef of the 2nd largest in world . Whale and dolphin, and enjoy floating and sneaking heartily if you like the forest and lake, then you can't miss in the south in the middle part of Mexico definitely, you can see that the beautiful waterfall and the highest peak of Mexico are in culture , Spain have heavy influence very to Mexico, can learn from a lot of old building and love in corrida that celebrate this festival of the Dragon Boat Festival on May 5, been influenced by France in the middle part, you can see that the third largest of the Pyramid of world is in the south , visitors can explore that the palace with history of 1400 length of service travels to Mexico , can not merely appreciate the beautiful scenery , can experience Mexico's plural culture even more
2007-06-18 03:05:14 · answer #5 · answered by 趴趴 1 · 0⤊ 0⤋