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Elle Woods天生就是一名漂亮的金髮美女,而且非常的受到歡迎。不過,可別以為她是個驕縱的花瓶,除了外型姣好,艾兒更有一顆非常善體人意的心,而她將這顆新毫不保留地奉獻給他的男友-Warner。但她卻被甩了,Elle傷心欲絕,於是她決定一洗波大無腦的形象,以挽回Warner的心,所以她下定決心隨著Warner的腳步一同考進哈佛法學院。Elle費盡千辛萬苦終於獲得哈佛法學院的入學許可。但是,縱使他進入最優秀的大學學府中,Elle卻發現,每個同學都是她為波大無腦的美女。受夠了眾人的歧視,Elle決心反擊,成為法律系名列前矛的資優生。甚至以實習生的身分協助一樁眾所矚目的謀殺案,但是法庭是個殘酷的世界,但Elle並不放棄。最後她打贏了一場漂亮的官司,讓全世界認同金髮美女也能當上金牌律師...

2007-06-12 18:16:23 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 小 蛋  Egg 1 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

Elle Woods is a beautiful golden hair beauty innately, and welcoming very much. However, do not think she is a vase that spoils!, except appearance handsome and good, is it have one good body heart of people's will very even more to end, but she make this drop new to afford to keep at all. But she has been got rid of, Elle is extremely sad, then she decides to wash the great image without brain of wave, in order to retrieve the heart of Warner, so she reaches a decision the step with Warner is taken part in the entrance exam of into the law school of Harvard together. Elle toils and gets the entering school and permitting of the law school of Harvard at last. However, even if he enters in the most outstanding university institution of higher learning, Elle is found, each classmate is she, for the great beauty who has the brain of wave. Can't stand everybody's discrimination any longer, Elle is determined to strike back, become the top student of the lance before department of law ranks. Even help a murder case of attracting attention allly in the capacity of trainee, but the court is a cruel world, but Elle is not given up. She won a beautiful lawsuit finally, let the whole world admit golden hair beauty can act as a gold medal lawyer too ...

2007-06-13 08:56:48 · answer #1 · answered by jack 3 · 0 0


2007-06-21 10:20:28 · answer #2 · answered by 蝦米咚咚 6 · 0 0

Foreign land culture When I look at "" Bend It Like Beckham"" After, I amprofound to India's wedding ceremony impression. In the piece, leading lady's elder sister's wedding ceremony isextremely luxurious, except the magnificent clothing, outside theinteresting dance, they also rides the elephant In India, as a result of the kind of surname system, themarriage is fastidious very much is properly matched, Gao Zhonghsingboy may seek the low kind of surname in no way girl, but GaoZhonghsing girl can marry in no way for the low kind of surname boy.In order to maintain Gao Zhonghsing person's blood relationship,between some Gao Zhonghsing has not waited for the baby to be born,becomes engaged by the bilateral parents. The marriage day before, bride's hand and the foot all use one kind tocall Henna the natural plant pigment to mark the similar 紋身colored drawing on pottery, this kind of colored drawing on potterydesign, generally may maintain for two months not to wash off, butputs on stage make-up the time may slightly want 3-4 to be now andthen longer, together with the clothes, is putting on make-up withwhole body the sincere accesories and the pure gold hangs thedecoration, wanted the bride still to be able to maintain the gracefulsmiling face was extremely not easy. The different culture can have each kind of different manners andcustoms, creates the different social system, the picture is in Arab,they most believe in the Islamism, because of religious influence,Arab's woman in egressing time, can put on majority of by the blackprimarily duster, is strict, the common social practice conservativeplace in the Islam canon, but also can manage by the religious police. The western culture often thought the duster kerchief is the Arabicwoman authority the symbol which deprives, they thought the Arabicwoman is compelled to put on the duster, actually not completely,

2007-06-17 03:22:21 補充:
theArabic woman can because of buy set of attractive dusters not to jumpfor joy already, speaking of the Arabic woman, the western woman hasthe magnificent foreign-style clothing formal clothes they also tohave, but they have the honored duster kerchief, the western womanactually do not have.

2007-06-16 23:22:07 · answer #3 · answered by islandgirl 5 · 0 0

你要不要自己練習着翻譯 ?

2007-06-13 20:02:18 · answer #4 · answered by travelpa 7 · 0 0

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