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人+動詞+so+adj ( or adv) + as to + 原形動詞 = so.....that.....
一般說來動詞若為不完全不及物動詞(即連綴動詞或Be動詞), 則接
adj , 若為一般動詞則接adv.
Let me make two sentences, please correct those.
(1) He played so well as to sound like a musician.
(2) His playing skill is so good as to sound like a musician.

One more questions.....
My father is so busy that he doesnt have 5 mins to eat lunch in
請問這一句話,to eat lunch in 是不是修飾 5 mins 當adj用....?如是,請問是否是因為介詞 in (in five mins)的關係將to eat lunch in和 5 mins
連在一起,所以to eat lunch in 是不是修飾 5 mins 當adj用...?

final question.......
My father is so busy that he doesnt have 5 mins to chat with me.
請問這句話 to chat with me後不加"in"是否因為 to chat with me當做
是5 mins的受詞補語,所以不加介詞,因為to chat with me不是用來
修飾 5 mins的....?

sorry for longer description.

2007-06-06 16:30:14 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 lin 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答


(1) He played so well as to sound like a musician.
(2) His playing skill is so good as to sound like a musician.
文法上沒有什麼大問題, 但是要說明的是, [sound]雖然不是這個句子的主要動詞, 但是仍然有它"意義上的主詞". 在第一句就很清楚是指[he](He sounds like a musician.); 然而第二句的語意似乎變成(His playing skill sounds like a musician.) 個人認為以第一句的型態表達較妥, 如果要以第二句的型態, 寫成:
His playing skill is so good as to sound like that of a musician.

My father is so busy that he doesnt have 5 mins to eat lunch in.
My father is so busy that he doesnt have 5 mins to eat lunch.
My father is so busy that he doesnt have 5 mins to chat with me.

不定詞如果是不及物動詞, 那麼跟它"意義上的受詞"(同時也是它所修飾的標的)之間必須加上介系詞:
I have no pen to write with.
I have no pen to write. (X)
(以中文的觀點這句似乎沒錯, 但是您可以寫"書", 寫"報告", 寫"句子", 但是不能寫"筆". )

I have water to drink.
She had no book to read.

但是如果不定詞與它所修飾的標的之間並非[動詞]與[受詞]的關係, 基本上並沒有加字的必要.
[eat]的受詞是[lunch], [chat(不及物) with]的受詞是[me], 它們跟[minutes]之間不需要介系詞.

2007-06-07 09:24:31 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

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