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greenfield site
brownfield site

A greenfield site is an area of and that has not been biult on before.
Abrownfield site is an area of and in a town or city where houses or
factories have been built in the past, but which is not being used at the
present time.


請問restrictive practice(s)的中文意思,並以中文約略解釋...

請問可以給我 loss leader 和 price discrimination 的例子嗎?(中文)



2007-05-29 20:36:10 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

greenfield site﹕綠色區域﹕未開發區﹑農業用地或荒地
brownfield site﹕棕色區域﹕曾經開發為工商用地但目前是遭棄置狀態的地區
A greenfield site is an area of and that has not been biult on before.
Abrownfield site is an area of and in a town or city where houses or
factories have been built in the past, but which is not being used at the
present time.此段與上述的解釋相同。
restrictive practice﹕(工會實行的)排他限制協議﹕例如﹕美國的工會限制企業只能僱用工會會員。(企業之間的)限制競爭協議﹕例如﹕原廠規定經銷商以統一價格銷售其產品﹐不得自由競爭。
Loss leader: 策略促銷商品﹕比如大賣場每天都會推出幾樣特價甚至虧本的商品吸引顧客上們以順便帶動其他非犧牲打商品的銷售。百貨公司週年慶推出的大折扣也是同樣的意思。
price discrimination﹕價格歧視﹕就是同樣的貨物或服務對不同客戶有不同價錢﹐例如在落後國家﹐商家賣給本地人與外國人的價錢就會不一樣﹐給外國人的價錢通常是偏高的。

2007-05-30 09:23:31 · answer #1 · answered by november_kimo 7 · 0 0

restrictive practice:限制性措施,如紡織品外銷配額

loss leader: 虧本出售商品
price discrimination :價格差異,即為了市場競爭而減價。
race discrimination :即我們所說的種族

2007-05-29 21:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by 呆子 7 · 0 0

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