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Oh well, I admit

我英文文法好爛 希望你們能幫幫我 >___


在英文裡面 一 個句子有分 主詞 名詞 動詞?? 啥?? (傻傻的 xP)

_________我是分割線 ( 不要懷疑 這的確是分割線 XD )_______


Ricky Had a satisfying career as a bandleader.

當中 satisfying 是 形容詞 對吧?!

如果想把 satisfying 改成 satisfied ( 動詞 )


例 :

Ricky was satisfited with his career as a bandleader.


只是把 satisfying 改成 satisfited

問 : 怎麼改? Ricky 後面 加上了 " was " 是 因為要 改成 動詞 satisfited 才加的嗎?

Other example:

Lucille ( 人名 ) had an encouraging dream. 當中 encouraging 是 形容詞 ( 對不對? 還是 動詞? 冏! )

當中的 encouraging 要改成 encouragement ( 名詞 )

Lucille received encouragement of dream.

問 : recieved 是動詞 通常 動詞完都是 接 形容詞 或 是 名詞 對吧?


有點多 5題 幫幫忙 感激阿!!!

( ) 中的 是要改的哦 ^__^

<< 名詞改成動詞拉 或 形容詞 改 成 名詞拉 >> 意思要一樣喔

1. It takes ambition to become a successful doctor like Cliff. ( ambitious )

2. People in the show audience flet tense when Lucy got in trouble.
( tension )

3.I love lucy and The Cosby show ( 電影名稱 ) were both humorous TV
shows. ( Humor )

4. Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her,she also knew how limited his patience was. ( limit )

5 We identify with Cliff's imperfections and are comforted to see that
someone loves him anyway. ( comforting )

然後 拜託拜託 告訴我為什麼這樣改 或 解釋要怎麼改 改的 訣竅在那?

嗯嗯 ^__________________________^ 有一點點急

望哪位好心人幫幫我這 國 3 的人 >.< ~~

2007-05-26 06:30:53 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Ж Jojoe Ж 4 in 社會與文化 語言

以上只是我所學到的 可能不對 是錯的
甚至是 (( 斷章取義 )) 亂來的 :O


2007-05-27 00:42:38 · update #1

-ing 的字一般都是 adj.或 verb.

要改的話一定前面要加 << 動詞 >> 像 had,has,have a (an) 等等之類的

2007-05-27 00:43:02 · update #2

Lucille <>> encouraging dream.

encouraging 形容 dream.

Ricky << had a >> satisfying career as a bandleader.

satisfying 形容 career.

像這種 - ing 的字只能夠 <<形容事物>> 不可以拿來 << 形容人 >>

2007-05-27 00:43:14 · update #3

-ion -ity -ment的字一定是 noun.

- ment 的字 通常是接 <<< 動詞 >> 完了以後再加

像 Lucille received encouragement from her dream << received >> 動詞 接 名詞 << encouragement>>


Lucille received encouragement <> her dream?

2007-05-27 00:43:25 · update #4


- ion 的名詞 是接 形容詞完了以後再加 (?)

像 (( several volcanic eruptions )) 其中的 volcanic 是 形容詞, 然後接 eruptions <<名詞>>

2007-05-27 00:43:33 · update #5


-ity 的字以 dignity 舉例 :我所看到的好像都是 (( Her dignity, his dignity , person's dignity ))

Ricky always kept his dignity even though his wife played tricks on him.

2007-05-27 00:43:50 · update #6


什麼沒有的 名詞 ( 一般的 ) 像 limit

(how接形容詞, what接名詞)

How limited his patience was.

What limit his patience was.

2007-05-27 00:44:17 · update #7


-ed 的字 一般是 verb or adj.

如果 -ed 的字是 adj.


把 Ricky always kept his dignity even though his wife played tricks on him.
這句中的 dignity 改成 dignified. ( 名詞 改 形容詞 )

2007-05-27 00:44:38 · update #8


Ricky always dignified even though his wife played tricks on him.

是不是? >___<

2007-05-27 00:44:45 · update #9

至於 -ous 的字 一定是 形容詞


One must be ambitious to become a successful doctor like Cliff.
A man need to be ambitious to become a successful doctor like Cliff.

He decided to become ambitious like doctor Cliff.

2007-05-27 00:45:06 · update #10

是不是 -ous 都可以直接拿來形容人? 能形容事物嘛? 能的話 舉個例子?

2007-05-27 00:45:13 · update #11

事後一定加 知識圈 拜託各位了 ^____^

2007-05-27 00:57:29 · update #12

- ous 的字 是不是都可以 用 have ( had has ) 來答阿? >

2007-05-27 01:20:12 · update #13

________________________分割分割 ________________________

2007-05-27 03:45:50 · update #14

真的是謝謝你啦 Kevin ( 專家 1 級 )

我覺得我挺笨的 哈哈 xD

好吧 我在美國上學 英文文法太差

給我很大的困擾 ~_~

這些東西 真的真的對我來說 很..很!重要的 O_O!

如果你不建議 能不能出幾題題目給我做看看呢?

雖然有點不太好意思的說 一_一 " 太麻煩的話不免強的.

2007-05-27 03:50:44 · update #15

3 個解答

(一)首先要說明一下關於現在分詞(Ving)和過去分詞(Past Participle; p.p.): 它們都不是動詞(不能單獨行使動詞的功能), 但是卻可以:

1. 配合助動詞來組合成一個單位, 表達特殊的時態(tense)或語態(voice)
[be Ving]:進行式
He was dancing with Jane.
[have p.p.]:完成式
Tom has written two pages of his report.
[have been Ving]:完成進行式
I have been watching TV for more than 2 hours.
[be p.p.]:被動語態
The man was killed yesterday.
[have been p.p.]:被動語態完成式
Jack has been put in jail for 3 years.
[be being p.p.]:被動語態進行式
Monica is being treated unfairly.

2. 純粹當形容詞:
一個動詞的現在分詞和過去分詞都可以當形容詞, 但是語意和用法(譬如在句中的位置)會有差異.

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

This is an interesting story. (令人感到有趣的)
I find the idea very interesting. (令人感到有趣的)
I am very interested in the story. (感到有趣的)
We need to find a man interested in the job. (對這個工作感到有興趣的)
Only interested people will come to see the show.(感到有興趣的)
Only interesting people will be welcome. (令人感到有趣的)

(二)同一個語意, 的確可以用不同的詞類(parts of speech)來表達. 但是在轉換之間, 有時候會有不同的變化, 而不只是單純的代換.

Ricky had a satisfying career as a bandleader.
Ricky was satisfited with his career as a bandleader.
1. 主動與被動語態之間的轉換.
2. 要對關鍵字(satisfy)本身的的語意清楚地瞭解: 使滿意,使高興;使滿足
satisfying: 令人(感到)滿意的
satisfied: (感到)滿意的
3. 不同的詞類, 在使用時牽涉到不同的字詞搭配(collocation)
原句satisfying形容事物career, 若是要改為針對"人"來描述, 除了詞類的變化(satisfied), 還要用到一組慣用搭配:[be satisfied with someting]. 而且主要動詞也改了(had->was)

2007-05-26 18:20:50 補充:
Lucille had an encouraging dream. (形容詞)
Lucille felt encouraged by her dream. (形容詞)
Lucille received encouragement from her dream. (名詞)
Lucille's dream encouraged her. (動詞)

2007-05-26 18:21:22 補充:
It takes ambition to become a successful doctor like Cliff. ( ambitious )
it稱為[虛主詞], 代表[to become a successful doctor like Cliff]這件事.
要成為克里夫這樣成功的醫師, 必須要有努力進取的心.

2007-05-26 18:21:39 補充:
ambitious形容人, 所以要找出主體, 有兩種可行的方式:
One must be ambitious to become a successful doctor like Cliff.
一個人必須要努力進取, 才能成為克里夫這樣成功的醫師. (汎指)
Cliff must be ambitious to have become such a successful doctor.
克里夫一定很努力進取, 才能成為一個這樣成功的醫師. (直接把原來描述的人拿來當主詞)

2007-05-26 18:21:54 補充:
People in the show audience flet tense when Lucy got in trouble. (tension)
People in the show audience flet in tension when Lucy got in trouble.

2007-05-26 18:22:12 補充:
I love lucy and The Cosby show were both humorous TV shows. ( Humor )
I love lucy and The Cosby show were both TV shows full of humor.
把形容詞(單詞)改為片語, 而且必須放置於所形容的名詞之後.

2007-05-26 18:22:25 補充:
Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her, she also knew how limited his patience was. (limit)
Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her, she also knew with what limit his patience was.
把形容詞(單詞)改為片語, 同時原來的連接詞也要改.
(how接形容詞, what接名詞)

2007-05-26 18:22:42 補充:
We identify with Cliff's imperfections and are comforted to see that someone loves him anyway. (comforting)
We identify with Cliff's imperfections and find it comforting that someone loves him anyway.
comforted形容人, 而comforting形容[that someone ...]這件事; 因為太長了, 以虛主詞代表.

2007-05-26 18:22:56 補充:
老實說, 這樣的轉換對國三生而言, 或許有點難度. 盡力而為, 持之以恆, 總是會進步的. ^_^

2007-05-27 05:42:52 補充:
像這種 - ing 的字只能夠 <<形容事物>> 不可以拿來 << 形容人 >>

Only interesting people will be welcome.

2007-05-27 05:43:24 補充:
Lucille received encouragement <> her dream?

每種語文都有所謂的"字詞搭配", [receive 事物 from 人或地方(場景)]就是一種固定搭配, 很少用with.
就如我們說"英文", "英語", 但是不說"英話". 類似的道理.

2007-05-27 05:47:47 補充:
- ion 的名詞 是接 形容詞完了以後再加 (?)
像 (( several volcanic eruptions )) 其中的 volcanic 是 形容詞, 然後接 eruptions <<名詞>>

several和volcanic都是形容詞, 一般的形容詞大多放名詞(不一定限於-ion)之前, 但是有時會放後面. 並沒有一成不變的規則, 要多讀文章.
I have good news to tell you.
I have something good to show you.

2007-05-27 05:49:50 補充:
什麼沒有的 名詞 ( 一般的 ) 像 limit
(how接形容詞, what接名詞)
How limited his patience was.
What limit his patience was.

limited(adj)=with limit(n) 這是把形容詞(單詞)換成片語. 但是原來和形容詞搭配的how也必須換成搭配名詞的what才行.

2007-05-27 05:50:15 補充:
把 Ricky always kept his dignity even though his wife played tricks on him.
這句中的 dignity 改成 dignified. ( 名詞 改 形容詞 )

Ricky was always dignified even though his wife played tricks on him.

2007-05-27 05:50:53 補充:
是不是 -ous 都可以直接拿來形容人? 能形容事物嘛? 能的話 舉個例子?

能不能直接拿來形容人要看該字本身的意思, 而不是以-ous來判斷.
He decided to become ambitious like doctor Cliff. (人)
He then attempted something more ambitious. (事物)

2007-05-26 14:20:24 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

首先請無論如何捨棄 你現在所讀的文法書因它是到到地地的假 貨!!
你初要學宰制英文 希望你 永生不再受假貨的文法所殘害
a satisfying career = 是一整個句子的縮寫 也是動狀詞片語 = a career that satisfies Ricky = 英文的句子必是一個以上 有六 七 八個隱形的句子的是常有的= 凡動狀片語在母語者心中就是一整句話 (一定要當一整句話去譯及理解才能進入母語者的心門與老美同步 因能與老美同步 你才是有尊榮的走入英文) (譯文: 令Ricky滿意的職業生涯) 本片語其主詞是 a career 受詞是Ricky 動詞satisfies = the satisfied Ricky = 譯文: 被Ricky所滿意的職業生涯
真相是: a career satisfied Ricky = a satisfing career; Ricky was satisfied with the career. = the satisfied Ricky
an encouraging dream = 令某人encourage的夢 = a dream encouraged him 拜托 千萬不要再提學校那說假話的文法書了 否則你縱苦讀五十年 你的英文還是零 因為文法中 沒有一個字是說的是母語者心門裡的意象(語言的圖像) 語感及語言的邏輯
Lucille received encouragement of dream.
encouragement of dream = encouragement that is one of dream
夢可以作成萬萬事 此一encouragement 只是其所成就的事的萬萬之一的一件事如此來看介詞of方是老美的意識最底層的血淋淋的心
舉例: It didn't happen of itself. = It of itself didn't happen.
It of itself =該事件自身所造成的萬事之一
全句即其自行發生的事 並未發生
1. It takes ambition to become a successful doctor like Cliff. ( ambitious )
To become a ... shall have testified that he is really ambitious / a ambitious man.
2. People in the show audience flet tense when Lucy got in trouble.
( tension )
People in the show audience could do with a tension when....
3.I love lucy and The Cosby show ( 電影名稱 ) were both humorous TV shows. ( Humor )
They always make me a pleasure with their humor.
4. Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her,she also knew how limited his patience was. ( limit )
Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her,she also knew how he limited his patience. ( 此處之limited 是動詞過去式 )
出處: he limited his patience = his patience was limited
5 We identify with Cliff's imperfections and are comforted to see that
someone loves him anyway. ( comforting )

2007-05-26 17:35:01 補充:
原始句: a career satisfies Ricky
a Ricky-satisfing career = a career that satisfies Ricky
the career-satisfied Ricky = the Ricky was satisfied with a career

2007-05-26 17:47:41 補充:
To become a ... shall have testified that he is really ambitious / a ambitious man. 其真意: 打算要成為醫生 一旦他到那時真成功時 這件事實必已見證他真是一位野心勃勃之士

文法的說法根本不存在 只要真能把句子在老美內心血淋淋的語感完整的說出來 東方人也就一步進入了老美的心門以內了
現在最大的問題是教科書 字典 及詞書的英翻中百分之九十九不是母語者心裡的意像 那百之一是恰巧中文的白話文的語感 語邏能跟英文通

2007-05-26 13:19:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Ricky Had a satisfying career as a bandleader.
Ricky是主詞,had是動詞,satisfying career是受詞(指令人滿意的工作)。
Ricky was satisfited with his career as a bandleader.

Lucille ( 人名 ) had an encouraging dream. 當中 encouraging 是 形容詞 ( 對不對? 還是 動詞? 冏! )

這裡的encouraging跟上面的satisfying一樣,是形容後面dream這個名詞的形容詞,這個句子的動詞是had,an encouraging dream是受詞。
Lucille received encouragement of dream.

問 : recieved 是動詞 通常 動詞完都是 接 形容詞 或 是 名詞 對吧?


最簡單的例子:I like beautiful girls.(like是動詞,後面的beautiful是形容詞,但是是形容後面的girls,不關like的事。)


2007-05-26 17:24:08 補充:
1. It takes ambition to become a successful doctor like Cliff. ( ambitious )
>>>To become a successful doctor like Cliff is ambitious.

2. People in the show audience flet tense when Lucy got in trouble.
( tension )
>>>People in the show audience felt(又打錯字) the tension of Lucy's getting in trouble.

2007-05-26 17:28:44 補充:
3.I love lucy and The Cosby show ( 電影名稱 ) were both humorous TV
shows. ( Humor )
>>>I love the humor of the both TV shows, Lucy and The Cosby show.

2007-05-26 17:29:15 補充:
4. Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her,she also knew how limited his patience was. ( limit )
>>>Although Lucy knew that Ricky loved her, she also knew the limit of his patience.

2007-05-26 17:29:40 補充:
5 We identify with Cliff's imperfections and are comforted to see that
someone loves him anyway. ( comforting )
>>>It is comforting for us who identify with Cliff's imperfections to see that someone loves him anyway.


2007-05-26 17:29:59 補充:

2007-05-26 13:03:33 · answer #3 · answered by Sonia 5 · 0 0

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