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I am writting this letter because i am scary. Don`t worry. It has been happening a lot of things here, in my country. On TV nobody says nothing. It is getting worse. I don`t know why i am telling you this but i need it. I don`t want to cry I WANT TO BE FREE!!! And now everybody is wispering “it`ll be a dictadure on Saturday or Sunday”, you know, i told you the president`s going to close a tv chanel. Well, there are people in the streets and the police trying to stop them in diferents ways. The militarys are prepared to stop us and kill us. Maybe when i`ll wake up on moday (if i can sleep) my country is going to stay in a dictadure. We don`t know. Only God knows

If i don`t talk with you anymore i just want you know i love you (It sounds crazy). Thanks for everything, you gave me a reason to be happy and you teach me a lot of things. You are a special person for me... you`ll be my loquito bello forever.

I tryed :P i hope you understand me.

... I`ll see you in my star.

2007-05-25 10:22:08 · 18 respuestas · pregunta de ..::gAlLaGhEr::.. 3 en Sociedad y cultura Idiomas

soy de venezuela. La libertad esta en peligro. hay que estar aqui viviendo dia a dia las cosas que pasn para poder opinar

2007-05-25 10:42:10 · update #1

18 respuestas

No te ofendas pero te la voy a escribir a mi manera.
Porque te va a ayudar.

Y tampoco es por ofender pero le vi unos errores a la otra que la escribio.

I am writing this letter because I'm scared. Don't panic. A lot of things have been happening here in my country. Nobody says nothing on TV,even though it's getting worse. I don't know why I am telling you this but I need to. I don't want to cry, I JUST WANT TO BE FREE!!! And now everybody is whispering:I will be a dictatorship on Saturday or Sunday, you know, I told you that the president is about to close a TV channel. Well, there es people on the streets and the police is trying to stop them in different ways. The militaries are prepared to stop and kill us. Maybe when I wake up on Monday (If I can sleep) my country is going to be under a dictatorship.We don't know, only God knows.

If I don't talk with you anymore I just want to let you know I love you (I know it sounds crazy). Thanks for everything, you gave me a reason to be happy and you teach me a lot of things. You are a special person for me... you will be my loquito bello forever.

Estoy complacido de ayudarte a traducir este mensaje tan importante que quieres transmitir de verdad estoy complacido.

Acuerdate de que despues de la tempestad viene la luz
(Se dice así?)

2007-05-25 12:16:33 · answer #1 · answered by ultimate 3 · 0 1

No temas, ora a Dios nuestro señor de día y de noche, recuerda lo que la biblia dice al respecto:

Mat 16:25 porque todo el que quiera salvar su vida, la perderá; y todo el que pierda su vida por causa de mí, la hallará.

Recuerda eso, esta vida no es mas que un paso hacia la eternidad, de ti depende aceptar a cristo como tu único Dios y señor para que tengas asegurada la vida eterna.

Ten fé en esto, ya que la salvación viene por fé y no por las obras (estas últimas vienen solas a consecuencia de la primera) asi como esta escrito también en la Biblia:

Efesios 2:8 porque por gracia sois salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de vosotros, pues es don de Dios.
2:9 No por obras, para que nadie se gloríe

2007-05-25 11:08:23 · answer #2 · answered by jaimevilli 2 · 1 0

en gral esta bien, las unicas cuestiones que yo vi son:
scary es adjetivo, tendrías que usar SCARED,
wispering, le falta la 'h' WHISPERING
y no se si tu oracion :" you gave me a reason to be happy and you teach me a lot of things.", la pensaste como " me diste motivos para ser feliz y me enseñaste muchas cosas", entonces deberias usar TAUGHT, en lugar de TEACH.
Espero haberte sido util... te mando un saludo

2007-05-25 10:43:35 · answer #3 · answered by Akane 1 · 1 0

es más que obvio saber de dónde eres, es evidente que muchos saldrán lastimados pero.......como en tu carta TU YA TE ESTAS derrotando ANTES que las cosas sucedan, eso es ser negativo, débil y pesimista!!!

Espera a mañana y sólo mañana sabrás y así sucesivamente, no te predispongas al MIEDO......

y bueno, tu carta sólo le cambiaría I am scary por I am scared.

dictadura se escribe dictatorship

y i just want you TO know THAT i love you.....

you teach me a lot of......you TAUGHT me.......

2007-05-25 10:34:35 · answer #4 · answered by oaspice 5 · 1 0

La mejor respuesta la vas a tener en Malinche.com, era una indiecita que pensaba como vos y prefería otorgar sus favores a los extranjeros, lástima que terminó mal.

2007-05-26 02:28:54 · answer #5 · answered by Videofan 7 · 0 0

I am writing this letter because i am afraid. Don`t worry. A lot has happened, in my country. On TV nobody says anything. It is getting worse. I don`t know why i am telling you this but i need it. I don`t want to cry I WANT TO BE FREE!!! And now everybody is whispering “it`ll be a Dictatorship on Saturday or Sunday”, you know, I told you the president is going to close a tv channel. Well, there are people in the streets and the police trying to stop them in diferent ways. The millitary are prepared to stop us and kill us. Maybe when I wake up on moday (if I can sleep) my country is going to stay in a Dictatorship. We don`t know. Only God knows

If I don`t talk with you anymore, I just want you to know I love you (It sounds crazy). Thanks for everything, you gave me a reason to be happy and you taught me a lot of things. You are a special person for me... you`ll be my loquito bello forever.

I tried :P I hope you understand me.

... I`ll see you in my star.

2007-05-25 16:06:09 · answer #6 · answered by Cissy 3 · 0 0

Tu carta se entiende bien.
Solo no puedo evitar decirte que si eso sucediera, hablando estadísticamente, tal vez BUSH meta la cuchara aunque creo que a Bush, Chavez le importa un bledo.

2007-05-25 13:51:43 · answer #7 · answered by Lisse 3 · 0 0

I am writting this letter because i am scarED. Don`t worry. A lot of things HAVE BEEN HAPPENING here, in my country. On TV nobody says ANYthing. It is getting worse. I don`t know why i am telling you this but i need it. I don`t want to cry I WANT TO BE FREE!!! And now everybody is wHispering “it`ll be a dictaTure on Saturday or Sunday”, you know, i told you the president`s going to close a tv chanel. Well, there are people in the streets and the police IS trying to stop them in difFerent ways. The militarIEs are prepared to stop us and kill us. Maybe when i`ll wake up on moday (if i can sleep) my country is going to BE in a dictaTure. We don`t know. Only God knows

If i don`t talk TO you anymore i just want you TO know i love you (It sounds crazy). Thanks for everything, you gave me a reason to be happy and you TAUGHT me a lot of things. You are a special person for me... you`ll be my loquito bello forever

Las correcciones están en mayúsculas.

2007-05-25 11:15:12 · answer #8 · answered by Martha P 7 · 0 1

primer linea, primer oracion: "...because I am scary" eso dice porque doy miedo; cambialo por: "...because I am scared" asi dice porque tengo miedo.

antepenúltima oración del primer parrafo: "...Maybe when i`ll wake up on moday (if i can sleep) my country is going to stay in a dictadure" cambialo por "Maybe when I wake up on monday (if I can sleep) my country will be a dictatorship"

eso es todo, suerte... ¿que país es??

2007-05-25 10:40:44 · answer #9 · answered by diana g 4 · 0 1

Que dramática y ridícula eres pero esta bien redactado. simplemente lo que esta haciendo chavez es no renovarle la licencia, su contrato se acabo. checa este link http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/427343.html

2007-05-25 10:36:47 · answer #10 · answered by marito 4 · 2 3

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