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請問有人看過西洋文學James Joyce寫的Araby 故事嗎? 請問這幾個問題要怎麼回答呢?(英文的!) 幫幫我吧!!各位,拜託拜託 1. What words and phrases express the boy's extreme idealism and romantic view of the world? 2. Identify words and phrases in the story that are associated with religion. What purpose do these references to religion serve?

2007-03-24 09:27:38 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

這篇是在前年夏天的文學導讀課程中上的文章,當時課程內容繁多,時數卻又只有短短兩個月,有些細節都給忽略了。現在,重新回味這篇文章,也把一些筆記整理出來,免得忘了。在課本中,每篇文章後面都有幾題 Reading and Reacting,整理如下:

3. What words and phrases express the boy's extreme idealism and romantic view of the world? In what way does such language help to communicate the story's major theme?

1) I liked the last best because its leaves were yellow. 小男孩天真浪漫的價值觀。

2) Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance.... 小男孩在惡劣環境下仍能有浪漫情懷。

8. Identify words and phrases in the story that are associated with religion. What purpose do these references to religion serve?

James Joyce 在這篇 Araby 故事中表面上是談這男孩的感情及感知的世界,但其背後卻是暗指 Joyce 個人對宗教的看法。首先,Joyce 對於當時 (此文於1914年出版) 愛爾蘭主流宗教,天主教,十分反感,但又不能高談闊論,只好將受壓抑的心理緊密地交織在這篇小說的各個角落裡。

1) North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free.
小說第一句就反映了Joyce 對天主教的輕蔑心態,倒不是因為小孩放學時的吵雜聲,而是這群讀教會學校的小孩在學校有如入監服刑,放學時就好像服刑期滿一樣重獲自由,也難怪這群小孩會嬉鬧過街。

2) The former tenant of our house, a priest, had died in the back drawing-room.
這男孩與叔父母所住的這棟房子的前屋主,這位神父的過世也暗喻著天主教的衰落,這房子同時也象徵愛爾蘭這個國家,而這神父就是長期主導愛爾蘭宗教,天主教的象徵。同時,令人玩味的是這位神父死前居然遺留大筆遺產 (in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture of his house to his sister.) 。這種指控也是針對教會組織的偽善及不正直

2007-03-27 07:19:02 補充:
我們用的書是Thomson出版的 Portable Literature 5th Edition

2007-03-26 20:14:18 · answer #1 · answered by hillman 6 · 0 0



2014-09-13 14:25:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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