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校長,老師 ,各位同學.首先謝謝貴校如此的盛情款待我們參觀你們的校園,讓我們了解到XX和XX的學術和文化的差異,也讓我們學校有能效仿或改進的地方,也歡迎貴校隨時來參觀我們學校,體驗一下台灣的熱情,和美麗.我們所準備的禮物,是台灣花蓮一帶所特有的紅玫瑰石,是大理石的一種.最後恭喜我們成為姐妹校.謝謝.


2007-03-21 14:07:39 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

校長,老師 ,各位同學.首先謝謝貴校如此的盛情款待我們參觀你們的校園,讓我們了解到XX和XX的學術和文化的差異,也讓我們學校有能效仿或改進的地方,也歡迎貴校隨時來參觀我們學校,體驗一下台灣的熱情,和美麗.我們所準備的禮物,是台灣花蓮一帶所特有的紅玫瑰石,是大理石的一種.最後恭喜我們成為姐妹校.謝謝.
Pricipal XXX, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to begin with our gratitude for such lavish hospitality of yours in the campus tour, not only making us realizing the academic and cultural differences between XX and XX, but showing us what to follow and how to improve. The honor would be ours to have you visiting our school any time to experience the passion and beauty of Taiwan. As a gift for you we have some souvenir made of red rose marble, one of its kind abundant exclusively in the Hualien territory of Taiwan.
Finally, congratulations on our becoming sister schools.
Thank you!
*看起來這應該是大學之間的交流, 除了對校長的稱謂之外, 對其他在場者應該用統稱即可, 而不必如中文逐一翻譯.

2007-03-22 06:58:27 補充:
As a gift for you we have some souvenir made of...
For you we have some souvenir as a gift, which is made of...

2007-03-21 19:20:46 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

Principal, teacher, each classmate.Be first appreciate such great kindness in expensive school for serving the campus that we visit you, let us understand to the XX and the XX of academic with culture of difference, also let our school have the place that can imitate or improve, also welcome an expensive school to visit our school at any time, experience personally Taiwanese enthusiasm, with beauty.The gift that we prepare is a Taiwanese Hualien on bringing the special red rose stone, is a kind of the marble.Congratulate us on finally become a sister school.Thanks.

2007-03-21 18:06:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear principle, teachers and friends. First we will like to thank you for showing us around the compus. In this tour we realized the diffrences on culture and education between XX and XX. We also found a lot of things we can improve and can learn from you. We also welcome you to come to our school anytime. To see the energetic and the beauty of Taiwan. We prepare a gift for you. This is 紅玫瑰石 from 花蓮. It's one kind of marbles. And at the last, I would like to congratulate us become sister schools. Thank you.

2007-03-21 15:52:02 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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