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what will leave behind you?和what will you leave behind?

2007-03-17 17:42:56 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 綱政 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

首先要說明[to leave behind]這個動詞片語(verb phrase), 它可以有兩種結構及用法:

(1)由一個(及物)動詞[leave]和一個介系詞[behind]所組成. 它需要兩個受詞, 分別給[leave]與[behind].
[to leave A behind B]: A與B的位置是固定不可變的, 否則語意就不同了.
The woman left three kids behind her when she died. (A)
Three kids were left behind her when she died.
(2)由一個(及物)動詞[leave]和一個(看起來像介系詞的)副詞[behind]所組成, 稱為片語動詞(phrasal verb)**. 它也必須有一個受詞(leave的受詞, 而不是behind的受詞). 當受詞是名詞時, 可以擺在leave與behind之間, 也可以放在behind後面; 但是當受詞是代名詞時, 只能擺在leave與behind之間, 不可以放在behind後面.
[to leave behind N.]=[to leave N. behind]
[to leave PRON. behind]
[to leave behind PRON.] (X)
The woman left three kids behind when she died.
The woman left behind three kids when she died.
The woman left them behind when she died.
The woman left behind them when she died. (X) (B)


所以版主的第一個句子寫法有誤, 改的方式有:
(原)What will leave behind you? (X)

(改a)What will be left behind you?
你會留下什麼呢? (用法1的被動語態)
=What will you leave behind? (就是版主的第二個句子)
你會留下什麼呢? (what是leave的受詞)(用法2)

(改b)What will leave you behind?
什麼會棄(離)你而去呢? (用法2)

*[to leave behind]可以表達的語意很多, 在此以"留下"或"離棄"為例.
**對片語動詞(phrasal verb)有興趣的話, 可以參考這篇.

2007-03-18 15:16:43 補充:

2007-03-18 11:15:33 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

what will leave behind you?和what will you leave behind?
what will leave behind you?---什麼將丟下你 ?----主詞 ---what
what will you leave behind?---你將忘記(留下)什麼 ?---主詞---you

2007-03-17 19:00:13 · answer #2 · answered by 嗨買 6 · 0 0

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