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debe tener oraciones interrogativas, afirmativas y negativas,

2007-02-28 10:16:44 · 7 respuestas · pregunta de kala 2 en Educación Ayuda con los Estudios

7 respuestas

Es muy sencillo espero ke te sirva :

- Excuse me. I am the new Student.. Where is the bathroom?,
- Is over there,
- Oh thank, sorry, what time is it ?
- Half past ten.
- Are you teacher ?
- No im not, iam student too...
- Oh thats ok....
- See you
- Bye

2007-02-28 10:31:42 · answer #1 · answered by Ellaly 4 · 2 0


to be present simple: English definition

be [bɪ:, forma débil bɪ]
I verbo intransitivo

1 ser:
She is (she's) very clever, es muy lista
This book is very good, este libro es buenísimo
2 (con la fecha, hora)
it's the 10th of February, es el 10 de febrero
it's six o'clock, son las seis
3 (profesión) Ser:
he's a doctor, es médico
4 (nacionalidad, origen, propiedad) ser:
I'm English, soy inglés
this is mine, esto es mío
this book is by Dickens, este libro es de Dickens
5 costar, ser: how much is a newspaper?, ¿cuánto cuesta un periódico?
how much is it?, ¿cuánto es?
6 (condición) estar: how are you?, ¿cómo estás?
he was angry, estaba enfadado
this room is dirty, esta habitación está sucia
my wife is ill, mi mujer está enferma
7 (lugar) estar: Seattle is five thousand kilometres from Boston, Seattle está a cinco mil kilómetros de Boston
8 tener: she is twenty (years old), tiene veinte años
to be cold/afraid/hungry/ lucky, tener frío/miedo/hambre/suerte
to be in a hurry, tener prisa: I can't stop, I'm in a hurry, no puedo entretenerme, tengo prisa
9 tardar:
I won't be long, no tardaré mucho 10 (en tiempos perfectos) ir, estar: have you ever been in Rome?,

¿has estado alguna vez en Roma? ➣ Ver nota en go 11 (existir) haber: there is a woman/there are women in the garden, hay una mujer/hay mujeres en el jardín
there were ten of them, eran diez ➣ Ver nota en haber 12 (tiempo) it's cold/hot, hace frío/calor
it's sunny, hay sol

II verbo auxiliar
1 (con participio presente) estar: they are waiting for a friend, están esperando a un amigo
I was eating, estaba comiendo, comía
(referente al futuro) we are coming back tomorrow, volvemos mañana
have you been waiting for long?, ¿hace mucho que estáis esperando?
2 (en voz pasiva) ser: the house was demolished, la casa fue derribada
the company was founded in 1856, la empresa se fundó en 1856
3 (obligación) nobody is to leave until the police arrive, nadie puede salir hasta que llegue la policía
4 (en las coletillas) this isn't yours, is it?, esto no es tuyo, ¿verdad?
look, it's snowing!, - so it is!, ¡mira, está nevando!, - ¡sí, es verdad!

-*- tienes muchos ejemplos solo usa tu imaginacion, ordenalos que tengan una secuencia logica, y en las preguntas solo contesta si o no. Eso es simple present.

Por ejemplo:

1.- Hi, I´m mary, I´m from Mexico.
2.- Nice to meet you, Hi Im´s Ozzy from England.

2.- You´re a pretty woman
1.- Oh thank´s

1.- Why you come to Mexico?
2.- Because I like mexico, anda I want to learn speack spanish

2.- What kind of music do you like?
1.- I like ColplaY

2.- Really?
1.- Yes (afirmativa)

1.- Why?, Do you like coldplasy too?
2.- No

2.- Are single?
1.- No. I´m ok

1.- What about you?
2.- I´m married, I have two children.

2.- What kind of movies do you like?
1.- I like romantic movies.

2.- I am no expert but I prefer action movies. What do you think about this movies? Do you likes?
1.- NO,

2. Why not?
1.- Becuase, these movies are too noisy

1.- Ok, Nice to meet, but, I need go to check my e-mail
2.- Ok, see you later

-*- Por cierto te recomiendo el diccionario, www.wordreference.com
Esta muy bueno hay algunas pabalas con "pronunciacion" que en lo que mas batallamos los LATINOS; y por eso luego nos cuesta escuhar y entender peliculas, en INGLES

SALUDOS (see you later, as soon is posible)

By the way: "Let your SOUL be your Pilot"

2007-02-28 11:08:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

it's easy, see this dialogue:

1-Hi¿How are you today?
2-I'm well,Yesterday i came from Australia where I bough a new pair of trainers for my mum....
2-Yes, was wonderful I had a funny trip.What about you?
1-I'm living with my mother in L.A.Last week I foun a new job I'm very happy for that.
2-Oh!That's wonderful.Dis you start work?
1-No yet, I have to bring my dates to the office.
2-I'm not working now.I must find a job because i haven't got money.
1-Well I must to go, see you tomorrow.
2-Ok, take care.

2007-02-28 10:31:21 · answer #3 · answered by gabriel r 1 · 2 0

Hello, how are You?

I´m fine, and you?

Are you coming to the party at the club tonight?

No, unfuortunatelly I have another appointment for tonight, but I hope you can enjoy that event.

Yes, I am preparing myself for that event since a week ago.

2007-02-28 10:26:48 · answer #4 · answered by pelusa 5 · 1 0

-Hi, what is your name?
-My name is Lili, and yours?
-My name is Edy and my dog name is Toky. "Toky is a very good dog, he runs fast"
- Yes, I see he likes to run. Is Toky a little poppy?
-No, Toky isn't a poppy, he is an adult.

2007-02-28 10:32:50 · answer #5 · answered by Murciélaga Ktz 6 · 1 1

escribe algo en espanol y yo te lo tradusco ok... este es mi email

sibrian17 @yahoo.com

2007-02-28 10:24:46 · answer #6 · answered by SGTDESANTIAGO 4 · 1 1

tu lo que quieres es que te hagan tu tarea
you should attempt it your

2007-02-28 10:29:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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