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急急急急急~可以幫我找關於元宵節祝賀ㄉ話ㄇ(英文ㄉ)??3~5句就好不必太多(請幫我加中文翻譯)儘量在2天之內給我 20點

2007-02-22 11:18:42 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言


2007-02-22 11:28:29 · update #1


2007-02-22 11:31:32 · update #2

1 個解答

Sorry,I found too much~
I apologize to you!

金玉滿堂 Treasures fill the home

一本萬利Make great profits

龍精虎猛Having the spirit of a dragon and the energy of a tiger

風調雨順 Wind and rain come on time

吉祥如意Everything goes well

福滿人間Blessings fill every house

步步高昇Promoting to a higher position

生意興隆Business flourishes

身壯力健A healthy and powerful body

國泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace

一帆風順Wishing you every success

出入平安Safe trip wherever you go

恭喜發財Wishing you prosperity

新春大吉A good start in the New Year

龍馬精神Energetic as a dragon and a horse

心想事成May all your wishes come true

歲歲平安Peace all year round

花開富貴Fortune comes with blooming flowers

和氣生財Harmony brings wealth

招財進寶Money and treasures will be plentiful

新年快樂Happy New Year

萬事如意Everything goes in your favor

恭賀新年 A happy New Year to you

2007-02-24 12:43:48 補充:

2007-02-22 11:25:21 · answer #1 · answered by Nina 3 · 0 0

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