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2007-02-22 12:55:38 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

1. adequate:
這個字從拉丁文演變而來, 字首ad-, 是to的意思, eqate是equal的意思. 整體就是:等量齊觀, 含有"數量""程度"等的意味. sufficient是一個同義字, 表達的概念應該就更清楚了.
這個字也是從拉丁文演變而來, 字首ap-與ad-等義, propriate是proprius(one's own)"自身"的意思. proper是一個同義字(為其所屬的), suitable也是(恰當的,).
3. suitable:
所以可以這麼說: adequate偏向"定量"的意味, 而appropriate與suitable偏向"定性". (但不是絕對)
"數量"或"程度"的語意比較適合用adequate, 另外它也有"差強人意", "平平"的意思.
We have adequate food for fourty people at the party.
Tom is considered adequate for the job. (可以勝任)
They are asking for a man more than adequate. (能力更強的人)
What you have said is not an appropriate example.
Each one played his appropriate part. (各司其位)
Everyone is trying to find her a suitable husband.
如果有一個會計師的職缺, 而你找了一個工程師來, 那是"not appropriate" or "not suitable"; 如果你找了一個只有國中程度的人, 或者考不上執照的人來, 那是"not adequate".

2007-02-24 13:55:08 補充:

fourty--> forty

2007-02-24 08:51:46 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

Hi. 你問的問題都好好玩...

Adequate 的適當是"夠不夠"的適當
Suitable 的適當是"適不適合"的適當
Appropriate是"合不合適"的適當 -

Wearing a bikini to a business meeting is not adequate because you will catch a cold. It is not appropriate because people usually wear suits. A smart jacket and skirt would be more suitable.

明白嗎?不同意思, 沒有什麼程度上的差別. Suitable & approriate 大部份時間可以交換著用.

2007-02-22 14:53:32 · answer #2 · answered by Junisai 3 · 0 0

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