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Chi può tradurmi professionalmente il seguente testo??
Caro Mr shon, come stai? come stanno i tuoi occhi? (e' stato operato alla vista e al cuore ndr)? Hai riacquistato la vista o vedi ancora ombre? Io stò molto bene, il periodo di studio intenso è finito, dopo il 15 febbraio saprò l'esito di questa selezione per accedere ad un corso denominato terza esse di riqualificazione professionale.
Con questo corso potrò fare alcuni tipi di iniezioni e somministrare la terapia orale cioe' le pastiglie ecc. ecc.
A breve dovrebbe esserci un concorso per diventare di ruolo.
come ti dissi sul lavoro abbiamo passato un periodo davvero difficile, il personale era ridotto al minimo ed il lavoro triplicato.
ora con l'anno nuovo e'arrivata qualche nuova faccia e molta più organizzazione.Come stà il tuo cuore? fai sempre i controlli? mi raccomando riguardati. & felice di aver rivisto la tua famiglia? Come stanno? Cosa fai ora in Vietnam? Lavori a qualche progetto particolare? Quando vieni qui ?

2007-02-05 03:29:31 · 4 risposte · inviata da manuela s 1 in Società e culture Lingue

4 risposte

Dear Mr Shon,
how are you? How are your eyes? Have you got your sight back or are you still seeing shadows? I'm very well. My period of intensive study is over and after 15 February I will know the result of my application to join the "3S" professional training course, which will enable me to do some types of injection and to administer oral medication like pills. And soon there will be a selection board for permanent recruitment. As I told you, we've gone through a really tough time at work: staffing had been reduced to a minimum and the work had tripled. Now with the new year, a few new faces have arrived and [e molta piu' organizzazione = *1. a lot more bureaucracy too! / 2. there has been a reorganisation. / 3. staffing has been increased. / 4. a lot of new managers too!] How is your heart? Are you still having tests? Please look after yourself. Are you happy to see your family again? How are they? What are you doing now in Vietnam? Are you working on anything special? When are you coming over here?

Yours sincerely, [= formula obbligatoria di chiusura]

[il tuo nome]

*possibili significati di "molta piu' organizzazione" - scegli tu quale fa per il caso, e nota che la traduzione letterale "much more organisation" non ha alcun senso in inglese:
1. much more bueaucracy too! = ora ci sono tanti moduli inutili e pratiche cartacee da sbrigare, oppure
2. there has been a reorganisation = ora siamo piu' organizzati
3. staffing has been increased = ora disponiamo di piu' personale
4. a lot more managers too! = benche' ci sia qualche nuovo faccia, la maggior parte di loro sono burocrati e dirigenti!

2007-02-05 07:51:26 · answer #1 · answered by Cosimo )O( 7 · 0 1

io sinceramente nn so ke dirti ... ma cose così private le sbatti ai 5 venti ?!?!?!

2007-02-05 05:25:16 · answer #2 · answered by Fabio 3 · 1 2

Dear Mr. Shon, How are you? How are your eyes? Did you get your eyesight back or do you still see shadows? I'm doing very well, the intense study period is over, after February 15th I'll know the result of this selection to move onto a third denominated course for professional requalification.
With this course I will be able to do any type of injection and give oral therapy (with lozenges etc...)
In brief, I will enter a contest to become a role
Like I told you about work, we went through wuote a difficult time, the personel had been reduced to minimum but the work tripled.
Now, with the new year, new faces have arrived and many organizations too. How is your heart? Can you still control it? Please get yourself checked, and were you happy to have seen your family? How are they? What do you do now in Viet Nam? Are you working on any particular project? When will you come here?

2007-02-05 04:00:44 · answer #3 · answered by B2B2008 5 · 1 3

ma sei fuori??

2007-02-05 03:38:25 · answer #4 · answered by alephuno 1 · 0 5

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