,,God safe the Queen, Cheers"
2007-02-04 02:44:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"Here´s Looking At You!"
Ein alter Trinkspruch: Man prostet sich zu und schaut dabei einander durchs Glas in die Augen.
2007-02-04 10:54:04
answer #2
answered by James W 4
2007-02-05 05:53:40
answer #3
answered by Katara 5
Gestern Abend wohnte ich einem seltsamen Spektakel bei: Acht Neuseelaender sassen um ein Lagerfeuer, mit zwei grossen Muellbeuteln voller crushed Eis und grossen Flaschen Bier, und vollfuehrten reih-um mit grosser Konzentration und zu jedermanns Erbauung ein Trinkritual, das in drei Stufen ablief und folgenden Text beinhaltete:
1. "Here's To The Health Of Cardinal Puff, for the first time tonight."
2. "Here's To The Health Of Cardinal Puff-Puff, for the second time tonight".
3. "Here's To The Health Of Cardinal Puff-Puff-Puff, for the third and final time tonight."
Je nach Stufe (1, 2, oder 3) mussten entsprechende Klopfzeichen gegeben, Trinkschlucke genommen, und die Flasche in einer bestimmten Weise abgesetzt werden.
2007-02-04 17:11:33
answer #4
answered by Tahini Classic 7
Ich hätte da noch 3:
Down your throat,
Into your bladder,
Which end it comes out,
Does it really matter?
Here’s to those who wish us well
As for the rest, they can go to hell!
Through the lips, and over the gums. Look out stomach, here it comes!
(hoffentlich kriegen wir nicht alles wgn. falscher Sprache wieder abgezogen...:-))
2007-02-04 13:43:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Cheers, Cheerio, Bottoms Up (auf ex)
• Here's to you!
• Your health!
2007-02-04 11:21:51
answer #6
answered by marple 4
"see you later under the table" für die Harten im Pub.
"one for the way" zum Ausklang
üblich ist "cheers", "cheerio" und "to your health"
2007-02-04 11:16:21
answer #7
answered by Michael K. 7
Cheerio Miss Sophie fällt mir da spontan zu ein ;-) *Scherz*
Cheers wäre das dann wohl
2007-02-04 10:47:59
answer #8
answered by little hawk 6
Also mir fallen da spontan "Cheers" und "Here's to you" ein, wobei Cheers einfach dem deutschen "Prost" entspricht und Here's to you sowas wie "Auf dich", also vielleicht etwas förmlicher.
2007-02-04 10:45:43
answer #9
answered by schmoeb 1
Hier ein ganzes Trinkgedicht! :)
The thirsty earth soaks up the rain,
and drinks and gapes for drink again;
the plants suck in the earth, and are
with constant drinking fresh and fair;
The sea itself (which one would think
should have but little need to drink)
drinks ten thousand rivers up,
so filled that they o'verflow the cup,
The busy Sun (and one would guess
by his drunken fiery face np less)
drinks up the sea, and when he's done,
the Moon and Stars drink up the Sun:
They drink and dance by their own light,
They drink and revel all the night:
Nothin in Nature's sober found,
buteternal health goes round,
Fill up the bowl, then, fill it high,
fill all the glasses there - for why
should every creature drink but I?
Why, man of morals, tell me why?!
(Abraham Cowley)
Sehr lustig ;)
2007-02-04 11:01:46
answer #10
answered by Tnschn 5